Boop - Logan x Virgil

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It seems like arguments occur with whatever gif I put in, lol

I don't mind, quite funny to read 😂

Anywhoo. Maybe we shall have a break of Thomas's gifs

Virgil and Logan were cuddling on the couch, Logan absentmindedly playing with his soft hair while reading his book, Virgil half asleep completely laying on the logical side.

The silence was peaceful until Virgil broke it, he spoke in his groggy voice due to the tiredness.


"Yes, Dear?"

"M'love you" he mumbled, hiding his face in his neck, eyes shutting once more. Logan knew he was more affectionate when he was tired so he replied as anyone would, moving his hand from his hair and wrapping it around his boyfriend instead.

"You're cute" he murmured.

"Thank you - so are you"

"...nooo" he whined.

"Yes, yes you are"

This went on for awhile until Virgil suddenly sat up, "You" he booped Logans nose, "are adorable"

Logan smiled but his nose twitched, he felt the all too familiar tingly feeling in his nose, turning his head he sneezed into his arm.

"Oh, my apologies" he said, turning back to Virgil. Virgil cocked his head, slowly he booped Logans nose again out of curiosity. Logan looked a little confused as he sneezed again.

Virgils eyes widened. "Woah..." he mumbled, a small grin forming on his face.

"No- Virgil-"

Virgil stopped him from moving and repeatedly booped his nose, Logan kept sneezing his adorable sneeze, it didn't take long for Virgil to burst into laughter.

"Virgil-" Logan sneezed, "please stop" Virgil pouted, his finger hovering over his nose. Logan stared at him with pleading eyes and he sighed, moving his arm.

"Why do you do that?" Virgil asked after Logan regained his composure, his book long gone. Logan shook his head, brushing his now messy hair to the side. 

"I have no logical explanation as to why I sneeze" he replied, going to rub his nose but pausing. "This is highly embarrassing" he mumbled, mostly to himself.

Virgil hummed in amusement, "I won't tell anyone-"

"Thank you"

"If you agree that I'm not cute" he finished, Logan paused, raising his eyebrow.

"Then you must tell the world of my sneezes"

"...but I thought it was embarrassing?"

"I would go through hell and back, literally, before I ever say you are not cute" Virgil bit his lip, blushing crimson. He hid his face again, hugging him once more.

"What did I do to deserve you" he asked, feeling his prior tiredness creeping back.

"I feel like I got the better end of the bargain"

"Was that a self - deprecating remark?"

"...possibly, or a compliment"

"I don't know if I should be proud or not"

Logan chuckled lightly, "Go to sleep, Dear"


I'm going to assume that "of course" was for my comment, lol

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I'm going to assume that "of course" was for my comment, lol

This idea was not mine - also, look! It looks like I requested it, lol

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