Puppy Patton - Patton x Roman

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Not edited, lol I'm lazy, point out any typos pls! Though it would be a wonder if I actually corrected them

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Not edited, lol I'm lazy, point out any typos pls! Though it would be a wonder if I actually corrected them

Patton was stressed

He had to do so much that week it was finally getting to him, staying up late to care for the sides, cleaning the mind without any help, making sure Thomas never felt sad, feeding everyone, and taking care of himself.

It was all too much.

He sat on his bed, head in his hands. He knew what happened when he became stressed, and honestly he needed a break. Laying on his bed he closed his eyes, only a few seconds later he felt himself move and shift, a slightly tingly feeling shattering across his body until it stopped.

Cracking his eyes open the first thing he noticed was his big everything was. Lifting his head up he glanced down at his paws....

You're right, ladies, gentlemen, and everything in between, whenever Patton became stressed, or angry, or sad, he turns into a puppy to protect himself.

Adorable, right?

He let out a small yelp of happiness, always loving it when he turned into a puppo. Curling up on his bed he closed his eyes, resting his head on his paws and sighing out through his nose.

Perfect time to calm down and have a little nap...

Awhile later Patton awoke to the frantic voices of Roman, Virgil and Logan. He lifted his puppy head to stare at the sides who were crowded in his room, looking worried. "I have looked everywhere! He is nowhere to be found!" Logan exclaimed, Roman breathed in and out deeply, trying to calm himself down.

"He can't be hurt...he can't be hurt...please don't let him be hurt" Patton heard his boyfriend whisper, he whined, jumping down and nudging Romans leg with his snout.

Roman looked down at the dog, not knowing it was Patton. "When did he get a dog?" Roman murmured, bending down to its level, petting its head softly.

"I have no idea, but we would have known - but that is not the important matter" Logan closed his eyes, thinking of every possibility to where Patton was.

"What if something from the imagination took him?" Virgil spoke his thoughts aloud, gaining Romans attention. His eyes darkened and he stood up, making Patton whine.

His sword appeared in his hands, "I will kill everything until I find him" he muttered so...so angrily Virgil was actually scared.

Patton barked, jumping up against Roman. The fact that he couldn't get them to understand he was...himself was making him angry with himself, and sad, which means he would only stay as a dog for longer!

"Stop" Roman ordered the dog, Patton sat down, ducking his ears and whining sadly. Virgil kneeled next to the dog, Patton crawled onto his lap, licking his cheek, eyes boring into his own.

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