Comfy Clothing - Logan x Virgil

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Gah! I haven't updated all day today either! I'm so sorry, but I'm a celebrity started todaayyyyyyy!

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Gah! I haven't updated all day today either! I'm so sorry, but I'm a celebrity started todaayyyyyyy!

I literally only know one of the celebrities

Throughout the entire movie the sides were watching, Logan continually fidgeted, tugged his tie, stood up to straighten out his trousers and sit back down again, scowling a few minutes later and repeating the same process.

Patton and Roman were so engrossed in the film they didn't notice, and besides, they were sitting furthest away, cuddled up to each other.

"You okay?" Virgil mumbled, Logan slumped against the couch, unusual for him as he always sat straight (gay) but Virgil didn't comment.

"I am not okay" he finally replied, "Trying to sit and get comfortable in these clothes is near impossible" he added, huffing and muttering, dragging a hand down his face in anger.

Virgil found it amusing but he also wanted to help out his boyfriend. He stood up and motioned Logan to follow silently, which he did without hesitation, walking around will definitely help.

Virgil led Logan to his room, telling him to wait outside as he rummaged through his closet.

"I know you hate wearing your onesie around the others," he said, walking to his door with clothes behind his back.

"So you can...borrow these" he shrugged, handing Logan black joggers and a loose fitted black t-shirt.

Logan held the clothes in his hands, "I cannot wear this-"

"Then suffer from your uncomfortable clothes" Virgil cut him off, sighing Logan begrudgingly agreed, changing in his own room.

"I look unprofessional" he stated, opening his door. Virgil looked him up and down, grinning.

"You look laidback"

"Was that supposed to "raise my spirits" in any way?"

Virgil snorted, grabbing his arm and tugging him down the hallways. "The others will comment"

"I doubt it" Virgil replied. The two entered the room, noticing Roman was changing the movie as it had finished during the other twos absence.

"You're back!" Patton grinned, Virgil nodded and sat on the couch with Logan, he bit his lip, staring down at his clothes.

Roman smirked, "What did you do?"

"Nothing like that, Princey, you dirty minded nimrod"

"I don't have a dirty mind!" Roman defended, plopping down next to Patton who cuddled up to his side. "I have a sexy imagination" he winked, Virgil groaned into his hand while Logan was too focused on the thought of the others ridicule to his clothes.

But it never came, neither did any comment...

Logan looked perplexed, making Virgil snort once more, covering his mouth and nose, shaking his head fondly.

"And I'm Anxiety..." he muttered, smiling.

Logan shot him a glare, but he would admit he was finally comfortable, leaning back he let Virgil rest his head on his shoulder, eyes falling shut.

It didn't take long for Logan to fall asleep with him along with Patton and Roman...

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