Ship - Thomas x Patton

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How many of you would actually believe my real name is Logan?

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How many of you would actually believe my real name is Logan?

Probably not a lot haha

I've said other names before but my actual true real name is Logan

Just thought you should know

But I would prefer if you called me Satan

Or even Lucifer

"Patton?" Thomas asked, sitting next to the bubbly trait, "Yeah?" He replied, grinning.

Thomas grinned back, "Do you ship prinxiety?"

"OF COURSE I DO!" He yelled back excitedly, the next hour was filled with the two talking about how cute it would be if it was an actual thing, and then they moved onto other otp's each of them shipped together.

They were fangirling aggressively, basically.

"Do you have any other favourite ships?" Patton asked, smiling. Thomas nodded, "duh!" He giggled.

"Awesome! Who are they?"

Thomas bit his lip and pressed a short kiss on Pattons lips, blushing deeply.


And they lived happily ever after!

Lol haha

I got the idea from this!

I got the idea from this!

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