Mafia - Roman x Patton

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Sorry, I haven't updated...I'll get better! I promise


Side note: this was a request but I have no idea how mafias work so most of this won't go into much detail about the mafia and such

Patton and Roman's parents were apart of mafias, both of their Dads leaders of different ones. The two sons were taught how to fight, Roman enjoyed it from a young age and was always top of his class while Patton?...he couldn't hurt a flower.

The two mafias definitely didn't like the other but they didn't make it public, it was mutual.

One day, though, and the two mafias basically started a war with the other, so many people died, Roman and Patton were most protected as they were the sons of the leaders, no one let Patton fight while Roman was in most of the big ones.

The "war" lasted awhile, it wouldn't end until either one of the leaders died - both were very arrogant and cocky, they thought they could defeat the other, which in turn led to their own demise. While fighting each other they were so blasé and nonchalant they weren't paying enough attention to the others attack.

They killed one another at the same time...

The mafias didn't know what to do, there were new leaders - the ones that were leading up to be the new leaders, anyway - but they didn't know what to do about the war. The two leaders signed a truce, knowing each lost a lot of men.

At the end of the "war", Both Roman and Patton were distraught over the death of their Fathers but it didn't last long, neither was very close to their parents, anyway.

Roman found out about Patton during the fight, so he decided to go meet him, and apologize for his Father.

He found the man in a park, delicately touching the bark on the large tree that loomed over him.

Roman cleared his throat, making Patton turn around and smile at him. "Hello...Who are you?"

"Roman" he did a little bow, making Patton giggle. "You are Patton, yes?" Patton nodded, watching as Roman stood up straight, brushing his hair to the side.

"I came to tell you I'm sorry for what my Father did...he killed your own out of cold blood, he had no reason"

Patton frowned slightly, shaking his head. "It's fine! I'm sorry, too, my Dad did the same...maybe we could be friends?" Patton said with a shy smile, Romans heart fluttering in his chest.

"I would love that"

After that day the two spent more and more time together, meeting once or twice in the week turning to almost every day, most nights they stayed over the others, becoming closer and closer, through texting, too.

Finally, Roman wanted to confess the feelings that had built for Patton, but he didn't know how, so he went to his friend for advice.

"Virgiiiiiiiil!" Roman dragged out, hammering on Virgil's front door. Soon enough the dark wood swung open, revealing a grumpy, tired, and annoyed looking Virgil.


Roman chuckled, "I need romantic advice!"

"From me?"

Roman nodded, "Oh, please!"

Sighing, Virgil shrugged, leaning on the doorframe. He knew Roman was talking about Patton, he also happened to know Patton liked him back.

"Just...act casual" Virgil shrugged, Roman nodded, breathing in deeply. "I shall do it today! Wish me luck!" But Roman was already down the drive before Virgil could even think of a reply.

"Break a leg...literally" Virgil muttered, closing his door. While heading back to his bedroom he realized his mistake...casual for Roman wasn't casual for...literally everyone else on the entire planet.

"Oh, well"

Roman quickly went over to Patton, breathing in and calming his nerves.

"Hey, Roman!" Patton greeted, sharing a hug with the nervous man. "What's up?"

Roman breathed in deeply once more before...

"You're single, I'm single, you're cute, I'm...single...PLEASE GO OUT WITH ME!"

Patton burst into laughter, smiling happily at the man who stood in front of him, a worried expression on his adorable face.

"Sure, cutie" Patton replied, watching as Roman relaxed, losing a few feet from how tense he was.

Roman smiled, hugging Patton once more. "Thank you"

Patton giggled, hugging him back tightly, a feeling of warmth adding to the mix of love.

"You're welcome, Roro!"

Thanks for the request!

Thanks for the request!

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