Definitions - Roman x Logan

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"Roman?" Logan spoke, entering the living room where the royal trait was currently lounging around.

"Yes, nerd?" Logan rolled his eyes at the silly nickname and planted himself down on the arm chair opposite, looking down at the big dictionary in his lap.

"Would you like to play a game?"

Intrigued, Roman sat up. "What type of game?"

"I watched Narnia recently and I could not help but notice Susan played a game where you try and guess definitions of words - I would like to try it"

"And you want to play this with me?" Roman asked, raising his eyebrow and brushing his hair away. Logan shrugged loosely, "Patton is not one for games that involve learning while Virgil does not like games at all" He explained, opening it up to a random page.

Roman chuckled, "sure, choose a word and be in awe of my intelligence!"

"I will be in awe of your stupidity- that is for sure" he mumbled to himself.

Scanning the words his eyes landed on a particularly strange one. "What is the definition of absquatulate?"

Roman looked taken back, making Logan smile subtly. "I know this, of course" Roman started, eyes narrowing slightly as he forced himself to try and think of what the word meant.

"Yes, obviously" Logan replied, glancing at the word once more. "It must"

Logan smiled, "Yes! To be exact it means to leave abruptly" he looked at Romans shocked expression, "that's right? I mean of course it is right!"

Logan passed him the dictionary, he flipped through pages and pages until he stopped, a smirk crawling onto his lips. "You will not know this!" He exclaimed, Logan waited for him to say the word.


"Ah, that one is easy - it means to spend more hours at where you work then is required"

Roman frowned, passing the book back. "Show off" he mumbled, Logan stared at him, mumbling a quiet hypocrite under his breath but he didn't mind really - he did flaunt his knowledge a lot.



"spaghettification" Logan repeated, watching Romans expression drop with joy.

"Oh, Disney" he whispered, Logan stifled a laugh, watching his eyes narrow and glance around, his lips moving as silent whispers passed them.

"It must mean....something to do with spaghetti?" He replied but he was unsure. Logan shook his head, "incorrect!" He smiled, reading out the definition for him.

Roman, obviously upset from getting it wrong, also noted how happy Logan was unusual for any expression to be shown on the usual blank face, it's not a surprise he feels most happy when he's speaking about smart things - preferably playing a game he was sure to win at due to his intelligence and nothing else.

It made Roman smile so he didn't mind as much if he lost - who could win against Logan anyway?

They played a few more rounds, Roman getting tired of hearing Logan say incorrect but getting it right every time on his turn, this time he decided to break the rules.

"floccinaucinihilipilification" Roman said, glancing up at Logan. He smiled, knowing Roman tried to use a long word to catch him out.

"It means the action or habit of estimating something as worthless"

(Me, lol)

"Incorrect!" Roman grinned triumphantly, Logan instantly looked confused. "What? No, that is correct" he insisted, it was correct but Roman was a little jealous at how brainy Logan was.

"Sorry, looks like I can't call you nerd anymore" Roman shrugged sadly, biting back the grin that desperately wanted to show. Logan shook his head, "What does it mean then?"

Roman paused, "something, I can't remember"

"You can see it-" Roman slammed close the dictionary and Logan frowned, crossing his arms. Roman shrugged, they stared at each other for a few seconds before Logan held his hand out.

"Pass me the dictionary" he demanded, Roman clutched it close to his chest.

"Roman" he spoke again, Roman didn't budge, shaking his head stubbornly. Logan stood up and walked over to him, Roman let out a scream as he tired to pry the dictionary away.

"No-no!" Roman was able to keep it close, Logan was the smart one but when it came to strength? That was all Roman.

"Roman-" Logan cut himself off as he was pulled on top of Roman, he kept asking for the dictionary, every time Roman replied with a no.

"Roman!" Logan grunted, trying to reach for the book. He was still on top of the royal, stretching his arm out but from the angle he couldn't reach it.

Roman grinned, "face it Logan, you got it wrong!"

"I refuse to believe! Hand me the dictionary-!"

"How about we kiss and forget about this?"

"R-" processing what Roman had offered his head whipped down to stare at him, a blush creeping up on his cheeks.

"W-what?" He whispered.

"osculation" he grinned, Logan completely forgot about the dictionary and the word definition, his whole attention on the creative aspect under him.

"You want to kiss?"

"Do you?" He replied with a question, eyes never leaving his. He couldn't respond, an unknown feeling settling inside of him. With his free hand Roman placed it on the back of Logans head, leaning up and pressing a short kiss to his parted lips.

Logans face flushed, he stumbled for words as Roman pulled him into another kiss.

"I enjoyed the game" Roman whispered, sitting up. Logan fell into his lap and Roman chuckled, handing him the dictionary and leaving the room.

Logan stayed still for a few seconds, realising he had the dictionary back he quickly found the word and gasped. "I knew it! Roman!"

Logan got up and jogged towards the door, just behind it stood Roman. Out of nowhere Roman picked up the logical trait, gaining a cute noise of surprise. Roman pinned him against the wall gently, kissing his lips once more time.

"My nerd" he chuckled.


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