If Only 2 - Roman x Logan & Virgil & Patton

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"Daaaddd" Virgil whined, begrudgingly letting Patton drag him down the hallway to Romans room, an excited smile on his face. "They're probably reading or something" he sighed, stopping outside of the room.

"I know...but I wanna surprise them!"

"With what?"


Patton walked straight in, not one for knocking.

What he saw made him pause all movements, Virgil looked over his shoulder and his eyes widened, his hand slowly coming up to cover his mouth.

Not in a million years did the two expect to see Roman looming over Logan, kissing him passionately, breathy moans escaping into the air. Patton gasped, Roman heard and split apart, sitting up, his own eyes widening when he saw Virgil and Patton standing in the doorway...

"Shit..." he muttered, Logan looked over, not knowing what to say or think...the two weren't meant to kiss! It just...happened.

Oh god, they just did what they swore they wouldn't do...

Break their hearts...

Patton was so...so..angry he stormed off before he would do something stupid, "Virgil..." Roman tried, standing up. The anxious side shook his head, a sob escaping his lips before he could stop it. He turned and dashed away, feeling...hurt, and embarrassed, and betrayed...

And used.

Roman groaned, clutching his hair. Logan stood up, fixing his tie and overall appearance.

"I am...so sorry, Roman. I did not know-"

"Don't take the blame" Roman cut him off, turning to the man he truly loved. "It's better than waiting for longer, isn't it?" He tried, Logan frowned and casted his eyes down. Roman leaned against the wall, covering his face, guilt tearing him apart.

Why didn't he tell Virgil sooner...tell him that he fell for someone else

Would that be better?

Who was he kidding? Anything is better than cheating.

When Roman and Logan suddenly didn't feel like cowards they slowly walked through the mind, glancing into the kitchen. They gasped when they saw glass shattered everywhere.

All across the floor, scattered on the counter, Logan and Roman were in pure shock.

Logan knew Virgil wouldn't do this, and when he spotted drops of blood on the floor his heart dropped, figuratively.

He left Roman to clean and rushed to Patton's room, walking straight in knowing Patton wouldn't let him if he requested it.

Patton spun around, his sadness diminishing into anger.

"Get out" he demanded in a scary tone, one Logan never thought he would hear from the most bubbly and happy trait.


"Get. Out" he snarled, taking a step closer. Logan faltered, looking down at his arm. He saw blood dripping from a cut on the top of his hand, he bit his lip and looked back up into Patton's furious eyes.

"Patton, let me help-"

"Help?!" He shrieked, taking a considerable amount of space closer. "You...you...you cheated!"

"I know, and I am so sorry-"

"You're not"

"Yes, I am!"

"Why did you do it?" He asked, tears brimming his eyes. He stammered, choking on words.

"You love him..." Patton whispered, Logan, didn't confirm it nor deny it, which proved to Patton it was true.

"I am sorry, I truly am, just...let me help, it could get infected-"

Patton recoiled his hand from Logans

Suddenly a slapping sound echoed around the room along with a whimper.

Logan clutched his cheek, tears springing to his eyes. What Patton had done snapped him from his anger trance, his eyes widened into saucers and he covered his mouth, a few tears falling out of his eyes.

"Logan...oh my gosh-"

"No" Logan muttered, rubbing his bright red cheek. "I apologize for cheating, it was wrong of me, hit me as much as it pleases you..."

"N-no! I don't like hurting you!"

"I hurt you!" Logan yelled, sniffing. "I'm sorry" he broke, vigorously cleaning away tears that slipped down his cheeks.

"Logan..." Patton whispered, taking a step forward, Logan flinched and he let out a gasp, choking down a sob, more tears threatening to escape.

"I...I will go, I am only hurting you more" he muttered, rushing out of the room and directly to Roman.

Patton sat on his bed, he couldn't believe he just slapped Logan...the man he still loved.

He crawled under his covers and cowered into a ball, sobbing until his throat stung and lungs burned.

"Logan? Logan! Why are you crying?" Roman stared at his cheek, brushing his finger across the abused flesh.

"Did Patton slap you?"

"It was my fault-"

"That bastard"

"No, Roman- please" Logan begged, gripping his hands. "It was my fault...I must have triggered him or-or something, please do not hurt him, you will make the situation worse"

Roman unclenched his jaw, sighing. "But he hurt you..."

"I hurt him more"

Roman furrowed his eyebrows, "you hit him?" Logan quickly shook his head, "no! Emotionally, I hurt him mentally"

Roman nodded slowly, understanding what he meant. As Logan waited in the doorway, letting out a little-choked sob every few minutes, Roman finished cleaning the kitchen. The two went to Romans bedroom, neither wanting to see their...boyfriends at that moment.

Could they even consider being boyfriends?

Finally, Patton moved, pushing his own needs to the side. He went to Virgils room, what was left of his heart breaking when he heard loud sobbing.

"Virgil, Honey..." Patton rushed to his side, Virgil let Patton hold him on his lap, rocking back and forth, rubbing his back soothingly. Virgil let tears cascade down his cheeks mercilessly, sobs racking through his shaking body.

He never thought Roman would cheat on him, it was his fault, he wasn't a good boyfriend, he never was...Roman got bored, he fell for Logan! Even Logan, someone who detests emotions, is better in a relationship than himself.

His thoughts only caused more loud sobs and cries, his tears seeming to be endless.

He heard Patton whisper soothing things to him but the anxious side knew Patton was hurting just as much as he was.

He didn't care that he was hurt but...Patton? His Dad? Who would ever want to hurt him?

"I-I-I'm s-so-sorry" Virgil choked, Patton shook his head, kissing Virgil's temple. "It wasn't your fault, kiddo, please don't apologize" his voice sounded broken, his emotions pouring out with every word.

Virgil and Patton laid down on the bed, cuddling close and crying their eyes out...

They really did love the royal and the nerd...

Part 3?

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