Bad Argument 2 - Patton x Virgil

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Shit, okay, I can't, I don't care what anyone says he ^ is the most cutest human I stg

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Shit, okay, I can't, I don't care what anyone says he ^ is the most cutest human I stg

Patton ran into the kitchen with Virgil in his arms, he set him down on a seat in front of the counter and quickly for him some food, placing it in front of him and getting some water.

Virgil stared at it with a slightly discomforted look.

"Do I have to?" Virgil mumbled, Patton frowned, sitting next to him. "Please, it's unhealthy not to eat!"

"But we don't have to eat..." Virgil frowned, pushing the plate away slightly. Patton moved it back, holding Virgils other hand. "I know, Angel, but it's still unhealthy. I love you too much to see you like this, please...for me?"

Virgil couldn't say no to his sad, pleading face so he agreed, taking small bites of the food and cringing as it went down his throat. He finished after five minutes and gulped down the water.

"Why did you stop eating?" Patton asked after he swallowed the liquid. Virgil frowned and sighed, running his thumb across the back of Pattons help to help calm himself down.

"I felt...useless, without you. Like I couldn't do anything, and the made me feel like I...I didn't belong here, without you I feel...empty, I feel like an outcast...I just, I couldn't move, I had no will power, I'm sorry" Virgil frowned, rubbing his eyes.

Patton stood up and hugged his boyfriend tightly, closing his eyes. "Angel, I love you, you are just as amazing as you always are without me, don't think you need me to be important, everyone likes you, please remember that" Virgil nodded against his shoulder, hiding his face.

"I promise to bring you back to full health, okay?" Patton whispered and he did, he made sure everyday Virgil got the right amount of food and water, it didn't take long for Virgil to be normal weight and healthy again.

One night during their cuddles Virgil titled his head up, kissing Pattons cheek hesitantly. "Thanks, Bambi" he smiled.

"You're welcome, Angel! I wove yoooou!" Patton kissed all over his face affectionately. Virgil chuckled, "Love ya to"

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