Who Hurt You? - Logan & Patton

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I know it's a Logan & Patton but Roman and Virgil are just as prominent

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I know it's a Logan & Patton but Roman and Virgil are just as prominent


Point out mistakes. Please

Logan watched his boyfriend pacing the living room and screaming the house down, accusing Logan of cheating when he went on his few day trip.

Apparently a friend of his boyfriend told him Logan cheated - which he didn't.

"Micheal, please calm down..." Logan begged, putting a hand on his shoulder. Micheal - his boyfriend - recoiled from the touch, eyes narrowed and angry. "I trusted you!"

"I did not cheat! I would never cheat on you! Why do you believe your friend more than you believe me? I thought you loved me?" Logan's voice broke at the end, that doesn't happen often, it's rare for Logan to feel this upset, he hates it.

"Yes, Logan, loved - past tense. I thought I could trust you" Micheal crossed his arms, flipping his scruffy hair to the side. The room fell silent apart from the quiet, broken noises escaping Logan's lips as he tried to think of something to say.

"Please Micheal... believe me-"

Logan stopped himself when a door behind him opened, turning around he watched a girl, with a thin mostly see through blanket wrapped around her naked body, she glanced from Logan to Micheal and sighed.

"Once you finish your arguing come back to bed, I miss you" she winked at Micheal, turning around and walking down the dark hallway.

Logan's mouth fell open, tears brimming his eyes. In a fury he turned to Micheal, eyes a blaze.



"YOU FUCKING BASTARD!" he screamed so loudly the neighbours could hear, out of pure rage he hit Micheal, punched and kicked all the while tears streaming down his cheeks, incoherent screams filling the air. Micheal tried to calm him down, grabbing his arms and pinning him against the wall.

"Logan, calm down"

"Y-you accused m-me of cheating wh-when you cheated yourself!" He sobbed, legs feeling like jelly. He never thought Micheal would cheat, he loved him - they have been dating for five years...

"I missed you! I thought of you during it"

"So you admit it?"


Logan struggled from his grip, pushing him to the floor. He grabbed his phone and jacket an keys, marching to the front door. Micheal tried to grab him and pull him back but Logan shook him off, opening the door and slamming it shut.

He walked down the street crying softly. Once he finally reached his home and closed the door his emotions hit him like a brick and he fell to the floor, sobbing loudly. His legs curled up to his chest and he stayed in a ball for a few hours, sobs racking his body.

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