Lava - Roman x Patton x Virgil

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I know this is like a dead meme or whatever but I wanna do it

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I know this is like a dead meme or whatever but I wanna do it

Roman sighed, bored out of his mind. He had been dragged along to a shopping trip with Thomas and the others when he would much rather be saving princesses.

He tried to think of anything to ease the pain of being utterly bored when an idea popped to mind.

A mischievous grin stretched across his lips and he skipped over to Patton who was looking at the different sweets.

"Cookie?" He smiled innocently, Patton hummed in reply, turning to the royal side.

"The floor is lava" He grinned, Patton gasped and whipped around, frantically scanning the area.

"Five" Roman counted, Patton began to more around, trying to find anything to stand on.

"Four" Roman followed, they gained the attention of Thomas, Virgil and Logan who watched in amusement.


Patton finally spotted something and his eyes lit up, he dropped everything he was carrying and sprinted across the empty isle.

"Two!" Roman called, running after him. Patton jumped onto those metal cage-like things that held pillows, climbing to the top. 

"One" Roman chuckled, watching Patton giggle as he fell into the pile of pillows, slowly falling to the bottom while laughing silently.

As Roman leaned on the metal cage to hold himself up while laughing the others walked over.

"Why did you do that?" Logan questioned, watching as Patton pulled himself through the pillows clumsily, still weak from laughing.

"It's the rule of the game, Logan!"

This time Patton wanted to have pay back, while Roman was picking out a movie they didn't own yet Patton snuck up behind him and whispered

"The floor is lava"

Roman dropped the movie and before Patton could start counting he jumped onto a pile of toilet paper, the stack fell to the ground but he was still laying on them while laughing so hard he went silent and began clapping his hands.

Patton fell to his knees and laughed into his hands, Logan looked over at them and pinched the bridge of his nose, sighing loudly.

"Thomas, this is proof why we do not bring them shopping" Thomas only chuckled and helped Roman pick up the fallen paper.

They also needed to get a new shower so while Thomas was talking to a staff member Virgil was looking around the kitchen that was on show.

Roman and Patton walked up behind him.

"Virgil?" Roman asked, leaning on the counter.


"The floor is lava!" Patton giggled.

"Oh, Really?" He sighed, glancing around. He jumped onto the counter and shrugged, "easy"

"Oh, you want a challenge?" Roman smirked. "The floor and kitchen are lava"

"Oh, you..." Virgil narrowed his eyes and ran out of the kitchen, into the on show bedroom. He flopped onto the bed and rested against the soft mattress.

"It's rising!" Patton chirped in a sing song voice, Virgil groaned and used the bed to help him climb up the wardrobe, laying on the top.

Suddenly a worker walked around the corner, "is everything okay?" They asked, Roman and Patton nodded quickly as Virgil froze, eyes wide.

The worker nodded and left, Virgil sighed out but realised something.

"Guys, I'm stuck" he said, gripping the edges, finally realising what he had done.

Roman walked up to the wardrobe, holding his arms up. Virgil gave him one look, "hell no"

"There's no other way! Come on, emo nightmare"

Virgil frowned, shuffling to the edge. "Roman..." he whined slightly. "I have you!" Patton scurried over and held his arms up with a reassuring smile.

"It's okay, Angel!"

Virgil sighed and kicked his legs around, he felt Romans hands on his ankles and he pushed off the edge, hands still holding himself up. Another set of hands landed on him, "not there!" He yelled, blushing furiously.

Patton giggled while Roman tugged him down, with a small yelp Virgil landed in Romans arms, heart beating rapidly.

Roman pressed a kiss to his lips with a smile, "I told you" Virgil rolled his eyes and slapped his arm, Roman set him down and they all walked back to Thomas, Patton slipping his hand into Virgils with a smile.


"Logan!" Thomas grinned, Logan looked up from his phone. They had just left the shop and were heading to the car.

"The floor is lava!"

He sighed, shaking his head. They thought he wouldn't do it but were surprised when he ran and did a front flip in the air onto a bus stop, staring down at them with a smirk.

"Who's the winner now?"

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