Save Him - Roman x Logan

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Trigger warning: mentions of blood

Just because I literally watched Up, like, a few minutes ago ^^

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Just because I literally watched Up, like, a few minutes ago ^^

"Isn't this fun?" Roman asked, defeating the creature that was trying to attack him.

"No, not really" Logan replied, dodging the attack from his creature, sending it to the floor. Roman struck his sword into its back and the creature disappeared with a loud pained cry.

Roman was grinning and Logan feared if he was actually insane. Roman had somehow persuaded Logan to join him in defeating the creatures in the dream world in Thomas's mind.

Oh, how he regrets leaving his room.

Suddenly a loud cry sounded above them and two claws wrapped around Logan, picking him up. Roman gasped and glared at the dragon witch who cackled evilly.


Logan struggled against the grip, trying with all his might to escape but he just couldn't, he wasn't strong enough.

"You'll have to find him before I kill him" The dragon witch laughed, flying off into the distance with Logan.

"I'll save you, Logan!" Roman yelled but he was already gone.

Gripping his sword in two hands he ran in the direction of where the dragon witch flew, he got a lot of distance until a large, fat troll jumped in front of him.

He flinched back, eyes narrowed. "Stay away, I must save my love!"

The troll bellowed a laugh, "you must get past me, bobolyne!" He spat, literally he spat all over Roman. He flicked away the slobber and glared with pure anger, "bespawler" Roman growled, charging for him. He was quite easy to defeat, Roman dodged his pitiful attack and sliced his head off.

Carrying on his mission he ran across a bridge and was stopped in front of a forest by a spider five times bigger than him.

The spider hissed, Roman only hissed back. "Begone, thot!" Roman snarled. The spider skilfully wrapped a cobweb around him but he sliced it away and cut open the back part of the spider, it cried in pain but Roman had no time, he sprinted through the forest and came out on the other side in an old, mucky, smelly part of the dream world.

He trudged through the sludge, being stopped once again by a mud covered creature of sorts. It didn't even let Roman have time to think before it attacked him, sending him to the ground and his sword somewhere else.

Roman frantically looked for it but he wasn't quick enough, the creature snagged his side, Roman held back a noise of pain, looking down at the cut that was slowly seeping blood.

He moved his hands around in the mud until something sharp stabbed his finger.

"ARGH!" The creature yelled, Roman grabbed his sword, which was the sharp thing, spun around and held it up, the creature came down and the sword impaled it, killing it instantly.

Roman breathed heavily and ignored the searing pain in his side, he jumped up and made it out of the sludge, running across yellowish dead grass.

He saw the castle and it didn't take long for him to reach the front doors, he slammed into them and they opened with a loud bang.

"Logan! I will save you!" Roman yelled, running down the corridors. He heard the dragon witch and followed the noise until he was in a large hall, the witch swirling around Logan who was tied to a chair looking bored out of his mind.

"Roman will kill you"

"He won't find us"

"I advise you let me go"


Logan coughed, "I also advise you to brush your teeth" the dragon witch growled and went to attack but she felt a pain in her leg.

"OWWARRRGH!" She screamed, Roman climbed her body and plunged his sword into her back, causing another scream to erupt from her.

"I told you" Logan commented, watching the dragon witch fall to the ground.

Logan finally saw Roman and gasped, he couldn't tell if the blood was Romans or someone else's.

"Are you okay?" He asked, Roman chuckled breathlessly and untied him.

"I should be asking you that" Roman smiled, Logan lifted his shirt and stared at the wound covered in mud.

"This will get infected, is there water anywhere?" Roman nodded and they left the castle, hand in hand.

"Are you okay? She didn't hurt you, did she? I'm sorry I let her take you"

"It is fine, Roman, thank you for saving me" Logan added a small smile onto the end which reassured Roman.

They found a lake and Logan helped clean the cut, he ripped a bit of his shirt off because Roman refused to rip his shirt any further and wrapped it around his cut, using vines and leaves to help.

"How much does it hurt?"

Roman shrugged, "not too much - more importantly you're not in pain, are you?"

Logan shook his head, "Your health is as important as mine, and no I am completely unharmed - apart from losing a few brain cells from her stupidity" Roman chuckled and they helped each other get home.

Patton and Virgil happened to be heading down the hallway when they saw the two, covered in mud and Roman with blood.

"What happened to you guys?!" Patton worried, rushing over, Virgil followed but he didn't speed up, he walked a normal pace because...he was lazy.

"Oh, dragon witch" Roman brushed it to the side like it was nothing, Patton insisted he helped and basically carried Roman to his room, cleaning and disinfecting the cut properly before wrapping a bandage around it.

Logan came out of the shower after Roman was fixed up, he was dozing off, desperately trying to stay awake.

"He's an idiot" Virgil muttered, Logan didn't agree but he did think Roman was a little too brave.

Roman slowly sat up and stared at Logan who only had a towel on, smirking Roman tapped his ass as he passed, making him blush and glare. Virgil chuckled and left the room, letting Logan change.

He felt a little sore so he laid in bed for half an hour. "Roman?" He called, sitting up. Why is he not back yet? His showers only last ten minutes.

Logan walked in to see Roman laying in the bath, the shower water hitting his legs.

"Roman-oh" He was asleep.

Logan sighed and turned off the water, somehow he dragged Roman out of the bathtub and to his bed, laying the blanket over him. "Goodnight, saviour" Logan pressed a kiss to his forehead and smiled, he was lucky to have Roman.

Thanks for the request! I hope you liked it, haha

Thanks for the request! I hope you liked it, haha

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