What Is Weakness - Roman x Patton

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Early one morning Patton snuck into the kitchen, a grin stuck on his face. Last night while cuddling Roman a mischievous idea popped up into his mind and now he was setting his plan into action.

He grabbed the sugar jar, switching it with the salt jar, hiding the sugar and placing the salt where the sugar would originally be.

A little while later Roman walked in, noticeably tired. He usually came in after Patton and Logan, Virgil being last. He didn't glance at anyone - his usual morning routine - as he made his morning coffee.

Patton watched, a hand clasped over his mouth as Roman poured a dump load of "sugar" into his mug, Logan caught on to Patton's almost silent sniggering, looking over at Roman like Patton was.

Patton desperately tried to fight back his laughter, only then realizing Roman was glaring at him over the rim of the mug while he gulped down the coffee mixed with way too much salt to be able to handle yet Roman did it because he was the alpha and what is weakness.

Patton finally lets out his laughter, gripping onto the counter to balance himself. While laughing Virgil stumbled in, drunk from tiredness. He collapsed onto the stool next to Logan who calmly read his book while sipping his own coffee which held no sugar.

"What's goin on?" He yawned, resting his head in his arms.

"Patton switched the sugar with salt, Roman is being an idiot and drinking it all"

Virgil chuckled sleepily, looking over at Roman who slammed down his mug, wiping his mouth with the back if his hand.

"Salt can't defeat me" he declared while Patton collapsed to the floor in fits of laughter.

"No, but your own dignity will" Logan sighed.

Roman flicked his ear, "whatever, specs"



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