Deaf - Logan x Charlie

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SN: I had to make a new person for this one, Charlie isn't actually Thomas's childhood friend, and if Thomas does know someone named Charlie it's not him/her/them.

"You guys excited?" Thomas grinned, fixing his hair in the mirror. "To meet someone we have already met?" Logan replied, glancing up from his book with a risen eyebrow. Thomas sighed and turned to his logical side.

"He hasn't met you, and you haven't met him, technically you are apart of me and I met them meaning you have also but shhh! I will not get into that" Thomas chuckled, he was talking about his childhood friend he recently got into contact with again

His name was Charlie and they were good friends for quite awhile until he had to move, Thomas cried for a few days while Patton cried...for a few weeks.

Speaking of Patton, "I'm so excited!" He yelled, grinning widely. "Will he look the same? Will he act the same? Ahhh!" Patton jumped around the room and Thomas smiled, Logan only sighed.

"Are you sure it is a good idea for him to know about us? I mean, no one else does" Logan said, when Thomas told them Charlie knew about his sides who could come to life Logan was very sceptical about it.

"Logan, it's fine, you know Charlie, he can keep secrets"

Logan rolled his eyes but sighed, nodding his head slightly and going back to his book. Half an hour passed and there was a knock on the door, Patton instantly began to squeal while Roman and Virgil made sure they looked alright one more time, they were nervous.

Thomas opened the door, "Hiiii!" He waved, opening his arms. Charlie smiled and waved back, they shared a hug and Charlie spun him around, Thomas laughed.

"How are you? Actually, come in" Thomas chuckled, standing in the doorway. Charlie frowned and bit his lip, taking out his phone and handing it to Thomas.

Confused, Thomas read the words on the screen and his eyes widened.

"You lost your hearing?" Thomas asked, Charlie couldn't hear him so Thomas quickly typed his reply and handed it back. Charlie nodded with a frown and an apologetic look.

"It's okay! Um..." he patted himself down and grabbed his own phone, writing in his notes that it was okay and he didn't mind. Smiling again Charlie walked in and waved at the sides. 

"AHH! CHARLIE!" Patton yelled, running over and hugging him. Charlie giggled and hugged back, he guessed this was Patton, Thomas told him who was who over text a few days before he got here.

"Guys, as you know this is Charlie, but he just told me he lost his hearing" Logan's ears perked up at this, aha! Finally he could use his sign language skills!

Logan got up and stood in front of Charlie, smiling slightly. Charlie smiled back with a shy wave.

(SN: The words in italic will be the sign language)

"Greetings, I am Logan, Thomas's logical thinking side. It is nice to meet you"

Charlie beamed, he didn't expect Thomas or his sides to know sign language.

"Oh my gosh! You know sign language? That's awesome! It's nice to meet you to!"

"Logan? Since when could you speak sign language? Or...not speak, I guess" Thomas chuckled.

"I learned it after Roman forced me to stop learning Spanish, because it was "his language"" Logan glanced at Roman who held his arms up.

"What? It's the language or romance!" He smirked.

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