Toys - Logan x Patton

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Don't take the title out of context ya nasties

Also AU

Also also Logan and Patton are both young children

Patton picked up his toys and ran across the schools playground to a boy who was reading a book under the tree, he was the only child who knew how to read well, Patton admired him for it.

"Hi!" He said, sitting in front of him, the boy usually spends most of his time alone, and rarely talks to another child, he only speaks to teachers and even that's not often.

The boy looked up and cocked his head to the side slightly, "hi...?" He replied, a little shy.

Patton grinned and put his toys in front of him, "play wif me?"

The boy put down his book and looked at the toys, "barbie?" He asked, picking up the barbie doll and looking at it closely. Patton nodded with a grin, "my Mummy likes them and I do!"

"Too" Logan finished for him, Patton titled his head in confusion.

"Your sentence, it...ends with a too"

" so smart!" Logan smiled bashfully.

"My Dad said not to play with these" Logan said, putting the toy down. Patton frowned, "why?"

"I do not know...sorry"

Patton shuffled closer to him, "Don't be sowwy! It okay! Pleeeeeease play wif meeeee?"

Logan smiled and agreed, making Patton grin and clap in joy. The two spend the rest of their free time playing with the dolls.

"Can we play tomorrow?" Patton asked, picking up his toys. Logan nodded with a small smile.

"Yay!" Patton hugged him, waved and left. Logan blushed and picked up his book. It felt nice to have a friend.

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