Feud - Roman x Virgil

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Roman and Virgils family had hated each other for as long as any of them could remember, if one saw the other they would make sure to ruin their day - so many fights broke out, and the amount of times the youngest in their families had nearly been killed was astounding.

The two youngest being Roman and Virgil.

They were taught from a very young age they would hate the other family, it was repeated to them everyday - burned into their mind. As they grew older they realised that was the reason this feud as lasted so long - no generation tries to stop it, they just carry on.

It was understandable, they wanted to make sure their kids knew the dangers of being apart of the family.

It gave Virgil a lot of anxiety, growing up and thinking he could be killed at any passing minute.

It gave Roman strength, he liked the idea of danger and was always alert, ready to attack.

Nothing big happened for two years between the family, no big fights, no murders, it was...fine, until one massive fight broke out and they both agreed the only way to settle this was for their young to have a fight to the death.

Why that was a good idea?

I...have no idea.

Virgil was detested by the idea of murder, he argued with his parents for weeks, telling them if they loved him they wouldn't make him do this.

...Virgil guessed they didn't love him. Who would, anyway? He was the weakest of the family, it wouldn't affect anyone if he was killed.

Roman was always up for a good fight but when he heard the word murder he suddenly felt queasy, his Father said he'll either come out of that battle a hero...or die like a coward, not the kind of prep talk he needed.

He tried to talk to his Mother- scratch that, he begged to his Mother but she was up for the idea like everyone else. 

On the day of the battle they stood in the room before the arena, their parents prepping them up. Virgil ignored his completely while Roman still tried to reason with them - they were crazy, he thought as he watched them leave.

Both boys turned towards the door, sword in hand, gun in pocket. The gun was only for emergencies purposes, if there was absolutely no other way to get out of the position they were in. Besides, it only had one bullet.

Without warning the doors opened and the crowd - which consisted of the two families on either side - began to cheer, chanting their names.

Roman stepped out, twirling around to get a look at both families. His eyes narrowed, shaking his head.

Sick fuckers he thought bitterly.

Someone had to push Virgil out of the room and slam the door shut before he could run, he pressed himself against the door, hyper ventilating. One look at the boy across the stadium and he knew he was dead.

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