Hurt Him - Virgil & Patton

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I played that song in guitar hero baha ^

This is not edited so there might be some typos

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This is not edited so there might be some typos. Have fun finding them!

Roman and Logan had a plan. It wasn't a nice one.

Roman knocked on Virgils door, standing tall and proud with a grin stretched across his face, hidden intentions behind it.

Virgil slowly opened his door, eyes looking up at his crush. He hid his hitched breathing, trying to act cool.

"H-Hey Princey, What brin-"

"You have a crush on me, correct?" He cut him off, his grin turning into a soft smile. It pays of being a brilliant actor. Virgils words collapsed, a blush forming on his warm cheeks.


"I have good news!" Roman slowly brushed Virgils hair back, "I like you to" he grinned, eyes sparkling. He watched Virgil scan his eyes, trying to see for any bad intentions but all he saw was sincerity.

He didn't look hard enough.

"R-really? Oh...I..." Virgil cut himself short, covering his mouth. He would make a fool of himself without a doubt.

Roman smiled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his lips, Virgil tensed up, adoring the feeling of Romans lips against his. Virgil turned to putty in his hands, just what the royal wanted.

For the next few days Virgil and Roman hung out for hours, Roman would much rather be doing anything else but this was apart of the plan - to hurt him more.

On the day Roman and Logan were conversing in the living room. They heard Virgil and Patton coming so they quickly shut up, sending each other a smirk. "Greetings, Patton!" Roman smiled, walking over to the Dad like trait.

"Can we speak to Virgil for a sec?"

"Oh, sure-!"

"Alone" Logan added, appearing next to Roman. Pattons eyes flicked from Roman and Logan, he didn't know why but he felt his suspicions rising. "Okay" he said slowly, turning around and leaving the room.

"What is it?" Virgil questioned, looking at the two curiously. Roman chuckled, looking at Logan. "Who will tell him?"

"I shall" Logan cleared his throat, Virgil becoming nervous. "Your little "romantic relationship" with is not real" he explained, a smirk crawling up his lips as he saw Virgils expression drop.

"What?" He whispered, looking at Roman for some sort of explanation. "He's right, it was a lie, I used you...remember last night?" Virgils heart dropped, a heartbreaking sob escaping his mouth he quickly covered afterwards.

He took a step back, Logan skilfully stuck his foot out and tripped him up. Virgil let out a yelp, hitting the hard floor beneath him. The two...sickos didn't waste time in beating the absolute shit out of the poor boy.

"S-stop!" He cried, moving into a balled up position. The two only laughed and carried on.

Luckily for Virgil Patton didn't properly leave, he waited, ear pressed against door. He heard the entire conversation and as soon as he heard his son in pain fury took over. He slammed open the door, storming over to the three.

"Roman! Logan!" He yelled so loud an object fell off of the table. The two spun around, terrified by the loud noise.

"What the fuck!?" He screamed, ducking down to Virgil. He was crying hard, trying desperately to shuffle closer to Patton for some sort of protection from the kicks.

Pattons vision went red, the next few second a blur.

When he finally focused Roman and Logan were unconscious on the floor and Virgil was still crawling away, sobbing heartbrokenly. Patton helped him up and teleported him to a comfy bed, he helped him with the pain, "Are you okay, kiddo?" Patton whispered, brushing his hair away.

Virgil shook his head, tearing up once more. Patton laid down next to his son, letting him cuddle up to his chest and bawl his eyes out. Patton hugged him close, whispering soothing things into his ear.

"I'm so sorry, kiddo"

Thanks for the request! (I won't be doing a part 2 to this...that is, if anyone was going to ask for it)

that is, if anyone was going to ask for it)

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