Deadly Laser - Patton x Logan

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It's 2:13am and I'm going to die I'm so tired haha

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It's 2:13am and I'm going to die I'm so tired haha

Logan sighed, he tried to wake Patton up over an hour ago and he still hasn't moved from his position on his bed.

It was getting slightly infuriating.

"Love, please get up" Logan begged, looking down at Patton.

"No" he whined, "the sun is a deadly laser!"

Logan sighed, he pulled Patton up from bed and wrapped himself around the tired trait.

"Not anymore - you now have protection"

Patton frowned, cuddling close to Logan. "Darn" he mumbled with a small chuckle. Logan smiled and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"I love you"

"I love you too!"

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Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots 2 Where stories live. Discover now