Hyper 2 - Logan x Patton

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Patton heard someone running down the hallway outside of his room, curious he skipped over to the door and opened it, sticking his head out. He saw Logan spinning around in circles, smiling before ran down the hallway again.

Patton giggled, "What are you doing, Logy?" He asked. Logan paused and turned to Patton, his smile never leaving his face.

"Hyper" was all he said before he began to run around again. Patton chuckled and watched him with a smile.

"Run around with me! Run around with me? Run around with me!" Logan repeated, jumping up and down. Patton walked out of his room and closed his door, they ran around Thomas's mind, going down different hallways while laughing.

They eventually stopped, both of them leaned on a wall and panted heavily, they could pass out any second.

"Too...much...sugar" Logan panted, sliding down the wall. Patton slid down next to him and rested his head on his shoulder, closing his eyes.

"You...were...cute...though" Patton heaved, chuckling breathlessly. Logan hummed and rested his head on Pattons, closing his eyes also. They didn't mean to but both of them fell asleep.


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