Protective - Roman & Virgil

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Shut up

Shut up

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Today was Romans first day in his new school. He walked up the cobble path, smiling at the birds that flew from tree to tree, tweeting and chirping at each other.

The first day for someone new isn't always fun, but for Roman he didn't really mind, what he didn't expect was to get involved with a fight, though...

He had heard people chanting the word "fight!" Over and over, him being curious and a born protecter he jogged around to the field where he saw a circle of students.

He headed over, easily slipping past until he was in the middle. A boy
shorter than himself was being held by one guy while punched by another, one eye was swollen and blood dripped from his split lip. Eyes going wide he felt anger bubble up inside of him - especially because no one was trying to stop this.

He marched over, "What the hell are you doing?!" He yelled, pushing the guy who was punching away.

The guy who Roman loomed over glared at him, "What's it look like?" He spat back, ready to push the tall boy away. Roman grabbed his arm and spun him around, holding him in a painful position before throwing him into the crowd, making a lot of people shout at him in anger.

Roman turned to face the boy who was holding the victim, he dropped him quickly and disappeared.

"Coward!" Roman yelled, kneeling down next to the boy. 

He held his face, silently crying. Frowning, Roman helped him stand and people automatically made an exit for them.

From that day on Roman and the boy, called Virgil, had been friends ever since.

Actually, they were closer than friends.

They were brothers.

Not literally but figuratively.

"Greetings, lil' bro!" Roman grinned, sitting opposite Virgil in the cafeteria on the horrible tables.

Virgil looked up with a deadpanned expression, "sup" he replied, munching on some chips.

Roman smiled, "My mood after seeing you!" Virgil rolled his eyes, doing so let him catch eyesight with the bullies that beat him up the first time Roman met him.

Roman noticed his distress and watched the two boys stand up and saunter over.

Roman stood in front of Virgil protectively.

"What do you-!" Roman tried to ask but the boy swung at him, he grabbed his fist but the boy knew Romans tactics. He swung his other to fast for Roman to stop him, hitting his stomach Roman doubled over in pain, letting the other boy push him over easily.

"No-!" Virgil yelled, watching them kick him ruthlessly.

He was screaming, trying to tug away the bullies who threw him off every time.

Finally teachers noticed and ran over, getting the bullies away. Roman was in a ball on the floor, unconscious.

Virgil lost it.

He jumped up and swung his fist at the main bullies face, busting his lip. The bully stumbled back and Virgil pushed him into the trash. "Don't ever attack my brother again!" He screamed, going back to said brothers side.

The teachers helped him up and took him to the nurses office, they phoned the hospital as Virgil stayed by his side, he knew he wasn't dead but it wasn't impossible for him to die which was what scared him the most.

It took awhile for Virgil to let the ambulance take Roman away, and Virgil refused to go back to lessons, ordering they phoned his parents. When they didn't he did it himself and left the school.

"What's wrong, kiddo?" His Dad asked, jumping out of the car and rushing to Virgils side.

"I'm fine, Romans in hospital" his eyes went watery and his Dad, (Patton) signed him out of school and drove full speed. Roman being so close to Virgil was also close to his Dad, Patton thought of him as his second son.

They waited for what felt like hours until they said Roman could have visitors. Romans own Dad came along (Logan) as he was worried as well as Patton and Virgil.

Virgil sprinted to the room, which was rare, and to his side, checking him over. His eyebrow had stitches and his eye was badly swollen, his skin was more black and purple then it's usual tanned colour and his arm was broken but yet...he was still smiling.

"Greetings, lil' bro" he spoke weakly, Virgil choked down a sob, delicately hugging him as best he could.

"Are you- Oh" Logan stopped when he saw his sons face. He turned to Patton, "would you keep it a secret if I killed whoever did this to my son?"

"Yes because I'll help! Oh, poor Roman!" Patton kissed his forehead, grasping his hand.

"Are you okay? Who did this to you?" He turned to the doctors. "WILL HE BE OKAY?!" Virgil wanted to calm him down but he didn't want to leave Romans side.

Roman chuckled at how caring everyone was, the doctor explained the injuries and that he would be fine.

"You are never stepping foot into that school again" Logan spoke with clear anger and animosity to whoever dared lay a finger on his precious son.

"What?!" Virgil worried, shooting his head up. "I am sorry Virgil but-"

"You can move too!" Patton butt in, "I don't want them hurting you" Roman and Virgil shared a glance, deciding not to say the bullies had already hurt him.

After awhile the adults left Virgil and Roman to be alone. "I'm so sorry, I couldn't stop them..."

Roman smiled, "It's okay, lil' bro...I'm still alive, if I wasn't how could I protect you?"

Virgil shook his head, "you're an idiot"

"Yep, your idiotic, older, protective brother"

"I pray for whoever would date me...if anyone would"

"Oh shush, anyone would want you, but yes I pray for them also"

They both laughed, "Love you, lil' bro"

"Love ya to"



I can see Roman being Virgils protective brother, lol

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