Three AM - Virgil x Logan

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I haven't heard that song in ages ^

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I haven't heard that song in ages ^


Also not edited, pls point out mistakes!


Logan was awoken by the noise of his phone ringing, confused he picked up the device and answered the phone, not expecting to hear Virgil's voice on the other end.

"Logan?" His voice quivered, confused Logan slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes. "What is the matter, Virgil?"

"I...I think there is someone in my house" he whispered, Logans eyes opened wide, stuttering for a few seconds, he could hear Virgils sharp breathing, he knew what that meant.

"Virgil, listen, breath..." he whispered, telling him the breathing technique that always helps.

Once Virgil calmed down enough Logan spoke about the supposed intruder. "Can you hear anything?"

"I...I can hear him moving things downstairs..."

"Where are you?"

"In bed"

Logan stood up, pacing around his dark room, tapping his finger against his thigh. "Okay, lock your bedroom door, now"

Virgil mumbled an okay, slowly and silently slipping out of bed and clicking the door locked, jumping back onto his bed and ducking under the covers.

Logan heard Virgil take a sharp intake, quickly asking what was wrong, not even thinking to make him call the cops.

"He's coming up the stairs" Virgil uttered so quietly Logan almost didn't catch what he said. Logan didn't know what to tell him, he couldn't say it would be okay because...what if it wasn't?

"What's he doing?"

"He's shaking the door! He's trying to get in!"

"Get out, Virgil. Now"

"Through the window?"

"Yes, please, go!"

He could hear the door rattling in the background, Virgils breathing became faster once more, he pushed open the window and Logan's blood went cold when he heard a scream.


The line went dead.

"VIRGIL?!" he screamed, taking the phone away from his ear. He phoned back but no one picked up, he fretted, calling the cops instead.

He explained the best he could, rushing down the stairs and flicking on the lights. He unlocked his front door and looked out, knowing if Virgil got out he would run to his house.

The cops said they would send someone right over, making Logan sigh in relief. Hanging up he stood at the bottom of his driveway, tapping his thigh once more. He kept his eyes trained down the street, his heart thumping loudly when he saw a figure running.

If they're running, it could mean two things.

They're running to get somewhere faster or...

They're being chased...

The figure ran under a streetlamp, giving Logan enough time to see it was Virgil. "Logan!" He yelled, Logan forced his legs to move but Virgil yelled at him to run the other way. Then, he saw the chaser behind him.

Taking a few steps back Virgil grabbed his hand, tugging him down the street. The two ran, not daring to look back, the loud footsteps behind them a big enough indication.

"We have to go to your house!" Logan said quietly, pulling Virgil a different way, "Why?!" He hissed, "I phoned the cops, they should be there" nodding they ran down the empty, dark street with the man right behind.

They saw the house in the distance with a police car outside, the officers getting back in. "HEY!" Logan screamed, "HELP! HELP US!" Virgil joined in, crying helplessly.

Their yells caught the officers attention, Logan glanced behind him to see the man slowing down, Logan let go of Virgils hand and ran after the man, not wanting him to get away.

"Logan!?" Virgil yelled, when the officers caught up he explained the situation best he could, one officer running after the two while the other stayed with a shaken up Virgil.

Logan pushed forward, grabbing the back of the mans shirt, pulling him to the ground. Logan got a good look at him before a sharp object plunged into his stomach, the old man grinned in delight, his gray hair covering his horrid face.

Logan fell to the side, mouth left wide open, soft gasps escaping into the air. Soon enough, everything went black.

Beep. Beep. Beep

"Will he be okay?"


"Then why hasn't he woken up yet?!"

"Calm down, sir"

"Calm down?!"

Logan's eyes slid open, focusing on Virgil first. The man stood next to his hospital bed, yelling at the doctors not in anger but in fear.

"Please, wake him up" he sobbed softly, collapsing onto the chair next to him.

"Vir....gil" Logan rasped, snapping his head in Logan's direction Virgil let out a sob mixed with a random noise, pulling Logan into a hug, sobbing onto his shoulder.

"I hate you so much" he cried, Logan knowing he didn't mean it. "Don't ever do that-that again," Virgil didn't carry on, only cried more.

Logan smiled, rubbing his back gently.

"I love you, to"

I...don't know

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