I-I'm Not Gay - Virgil x Logan

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Virgil was always insecure about his sexuality, he didn't know why he just was. He never wanted the others to find out he was gay so...he kept it a secret, that was until Logan found out...

"H-how? What?...no! I'm not gay!" Virgil protested, fear clear in his eyes, Logan rose his eyebrow, crossing his arms. "Really?" Virgil knew no amount of lying would change his mind so he gave in, sighing and dropping his head.

"Please don't hate me..."

"Why would I hate you?"

Virgil shrugged, "I'll...I'll do anything for you to not tell the others" he suddenly blurted, a begging undertone in his voice. Logan held back a chuckle, he wasn't going to tell the others anyway but a little help would be fine...

"Anything you say?"

"...oh god..."

For the rest of the week Virgil helped Logan with his chores, cleaning his room, keeping the others from disturbing his work and just being a little servant for Logan for the week.

Finally, Logan decided to break the news with Virgil. He found the rather anxious trait on his bed, tapping his hand along to the music that blasted in his ears.

Logic tapped his shoulder, causing the other side to flinch and rip the earphones from his ears rather painfully. "Oh, my apologies" Virgil shook his head, mumbling that it was okay.

"What d'you need?" Virgil questioned, sitting up further. Logan slowly sat down next to him, licking his lips and staring at the ground for a new seconds.

"I...have come to tell you that you do not have to be insecure with your sexuality" he said, eyes meeting his. Virgil didn't reply, only bit his lip and looking the other way, fumbling with the earphone wire. "I am gay also" he added, eyes never leaving Virgils face.

"R-really?" Virgil whispered, looking back at Logan. "Roman and Patton are straight...I just thought-"

"I know" Logan managed a smile, "it is okay..."

"If you're gay....does that mean I have a better chance with you?" Virgil suddenly asked, forcing himself not to blush. Logan choked, becoming all flustered which made Virgil smirk. "Is that a yes?" Virgil mumbled, leaning closer to Logan.

"I Uh...um.." Logan mumbled back, staring at Virgil. Anxiety shuffled closer, resting one hand under Logans ear, their eyes meeting. "Can I kiss you?" Virgil whispered, his breath rising goosebumps across Logans body.

Logan nodded, letting Virgil lean in and press a short but ecstatic kiss to his lips. The darker trait pulled back, breathing out with a small smile. "Wow..." he murmured.

"That was better than anticipated" he chuckled quietly, finally letting himself blush crimson. Logan chuckled along with him, his face as red as a solanum lycopersicum.

"Will we ever tell the others?" Logan mumbled, Virgil shrugged, leaning back on his headboard.

"It's up to you" he replied, Logan nodded and sat next to him, leaning on his shoulder. "Is this okay?" The smarter one asked, becoming comfortable.

"Yeah...it's perfect"

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