Remembered Anniversary - Roman x Virgil

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So, in my old book I created a OneShot called "Forgotten Anniversary" And their anniversary was on October 24th - low and behold that is today yaaaaa gooooo! I remembered cus someone commented that the date was today lol



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Roman woke up bright and early, he quickly ran into his walk in closet and hurriedly got dressed.

Today was his and Virgils anniversary - last year he forgot and he still feels guilty so he was going to try and get rid of his guilt today. He glanced at the mural on his wall and frowned, it was a daily reminder of his unforgivable act and it wasn't even that good.

Or maybe he hated it because of the reason he made it - if he didn't forget he would've made sure the mural was made to perfection and given Virgil the best day of his life but whatever.

Patton helped him make pancakes and Roman disappeared to Virgils room with the delicious food. Virgil was still asleep, snoring loudly, sprawled across his bed. Roman smiled and placed the tray on his bedside table, gently shaking Virgils shoulder.

"Dearest?" Roman called lovingly, Virgil was a light sleeper so he woke up pretty quickly. He groaned and covered himself with the warm blanket, making a chuckle erupt from Roman.

"M'wha?" He mumbled, Roman sat on the bed and petted his hair which poked up from under the blanket. "I made you pancakes" Virgil paused his incoherent mumbling and glanced over at the food, suddenly not feeling as tired he sat up, making himself dizzy.

He groaned and leaned on Roman, "Why?"

"It's our anniversary, Dearest" Roman smiled, wrapping an arm around him. "I want to make it better than last time - I was a fool, but I have evolved from my mistakes!"

"Oh yeah" Virgil yawned, "I set a reminder..." his phone pinged, "there it is"

"Wait, So last year your phone reminded you?"

Virgil nodded, ""

"Pretty good actor, huh?" He smirked, eating the food with mischief glinting in his eyes.

Princes mouth fell open and Virgil laughed, pancake hanging out of his mouth. Soon, his eyes narrowed and he huffed, crossing his arms. "I'll never trust you..." he mumbled bitterly.

Virgil put the tray to the side and pecked Romans cheek, "you're five" he mumbled, resting his head on the Princes shoulder and closing his tired eyes.

Prince didn't reply, he wasn't mad, he was deep in thought, remembering and going over the day he had planned.

"Roman? You're not actually mad, are you? I'm sorry..."

"Hmm? What? Oh, no! I'm fine, Dearest, only thinking" Roman reassured, kissing his lips softly. "I love you"

Virgil smiled his small, cute smile, "I love you too"

Virgil could only describe the day as the best day ever, even better that he spent the entirety of it with Roman.

Now they were laying in the imagination on the soft grass, staring up at the beautiful, star filled, space coloured sky. The different hues of purple and pink, they could also see planets quite clearly as if they were a bit closer than the moon.

Somewhere during the time Virgil had rolled onto Roman and rested his head on his comfortable chest, playing with a stem of grass. "Thanks..." Virgil mumbled, breaking the silence.

", it was the best"

Roman smiled, combing his fingers through his hair. "I'm overjoyed you think that, Dearest"

They were silent again until Roman spotted something and spoke up, "Hey, a shooting star! Make a wish"

Virgil hummed and shook his head, "why ever not? Have you not heard the song?" Roman cleared his throat, "When you wish upon a star, makes no difference who you are, anything your heart desires will come to you!" He sung in his magnificent voice.

"Exactly" Virgil spoke, sitting up. "I already have everything my heart "desires" - and that" he tapped his chest, "Is you" he smiled, cringing afterwards at how sappy it was.

Roman only blushed and kissed him sweetly, "I still can't believe you're mine"

"Still can't believe you'd want me"

Roman shook his head, pulling him closer. "I'd always choose you"

"As I you"

"Okay, Logan" Roman snorted sarcastically.

Virgil slapped his arm, "shut it, I've been spending too much time with that nerd"

"I am right here" he spoke, sitting by a tree with a sleeping Patton in his lap. Oh yeah, those two got together last years anniversary- making their anniversary date on the same day.

Roman and Virgil laughed, turning back to each other.

"I love you" Roman mused.

"I hate you too"

See, lol ^

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See, lol ^


Holy shit - 101k READS?! IM GONNA FAINT

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Holy shit - 101k READS?! IM GONNA FAINT


Also, update on my hair, I shall be cutting it next week, lol!

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