Hurt Him 2 - No Ship

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I need to pee

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I need to pee.

Trigger warning: suicide

Hey whoever's reading

Virgil opened his bedroom door, dry tear stains prominent on his red cheeks. He stuffed his hands into his pockets and trudged down the hallway, passing Pattons, Logans and Romans room, he shivered and flinched while passing the last two.

you probably don't care but I'll leave this here anyway.

Virgil paused outside of the imagination, gliding his cold finger down the wood, he glanced down the hallway, his blank expression morphing into one of emotional pain. He pushed on, walking into the imagination with his head held high.

Roman? Logan? Are you happy? Dating me to hurt me in the end?

He shivered at the cold breeze, letting his eyes scan over the star filled sky, the moon giving off enough light for him to see the long, green, flowing grass. He sighed, rubbing his nose on his sleeve before setting off in a direction.

Why? That's all I want to know, I guess I'll never find out.

With hands back in pockets Virgil felt a tear slid down his cheek, the tickle-y feeling making him rub the spot with his long sleeve, sniffling as he did so.

What did I do to you? Did I hurt you? If I did, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to.

The wind seemed to pick up its pace, blowing down Virgils hood, he sighed but carried on, glancing over his shoulder every so often, looking at the door that got smaller and smaller from each glance.

Anyway, Dad?...I'm so sorry, I know you probably hate me now but...just know I'll always love you.

Virgil looked up from the ground, seeing his destination. The last place he would ever stand. Huh, that's weird to think about...he was sure Roman and Logan would be joyous.

I hope you have a good life, Dad, and for Logan and Roman? Go fuck yourselves, dicks.

He stopped at the edge, breathing in to calm his racing nerves. The top of his shoes over the edge, the wind seemingly trying to push him back but he ignored it, he didn't want to live anymore and wind wasn't going to stop him.

I hope you don't hurt the new Anxiety

Virgil breathed in deeply, tensing his body. Finally, removing his hands from his pockets he fell forward, no one there to stop him, no one there to try and grab him, no one there to try and save his life...

Tell Thomas I said I love him, and I'm sorry.

It felt like everything slowed down to slow motion, his life flashing before his eyes, the most prominent part was the ones spent with Thomas and Patton, as if his mind was giving him one last burst of immense guilt. He closed his eyes, gulped in one last big breath before he hit the ground....

Dying instantly.


I gave in...


Thanks for the request!

It's not an Alternative Ending but it's what happened the next night, I suppose

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It's not an Alternative Ending but it's what happened the next night, I suppose

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