Kiss - All Ships

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Think of the happiest thing

It's the same as having wings

Think of batman pooping snakes

"Virgil?" Logan asked, sitting on the edge of his bed.

"Yeah?" Virgil mumbled, scrolling through tumblr. Logan fidgeted with his tie slightly, pushing his hair back.

Virgil looked at him after he didn't reply for awhile, he could tell Logan was nervous so he sat up. "What's up?"

This startled Logan, he flinched and turned to face Virgil again. "Our romantic relationship has gone on for five months, correct?" Virgil nodded slowly, putting his phone down.

"And not once have we kissed"

Virgil shrugged, "you said you wanted to wait"

"Yes - I did but I have waited long enough" Virgil shuffled closer, growing nervous, he was ecstatic about kissing him but he doesn't know how to kiss and neither does Logan.

" wanna kiss?" Logan nodded and Virgil looked away, embarrassed. Logan did some research before he came so gently he held Virgils chin and titled his head to face him, he leaned in and their noses brushed, making Virgil bite back a smile and his blush to darken.

Titling his head slightly Logan moved closer but not close enough, their lips brushed, both of them stared into each other's eyes nervously, their breath fanned each others cheeks.

Virgil lifted his hand and placed it on the back of his head, his fingers sinking under his silk-like hair. Pushing him forward their lips finally met and slowly and awkwardly they kissed each other. Pulling back Virgil chuckled at his flushed face, "I have no idea what I am doing" Logan whispered.

"Neither do I Kitten, but its probably the best part"

It had been a week since Roman and Patton broke up, none of them could bare it, they both hid away in their rooms, heartbroken. Logan didn't know what to do, he was terrible at comforting and will somehow make the situation worse, same goes for Virgil.

Roman could barely even remember the reason why they broke up but he wanted nothing more then to have his Patton back in his arms. With that thought in mind he stood up and walked to his bedroom, all he has to do is apologise and hopefully win Pattons heart again.

He knocked on the door and a few seconds later Patton slowly creaked it open, Roman felt concern flood through him as he saw Pattons state, it being similar to his own.

"R-Roman?" He croaked. The thoughts of apologising threw from his mind and he wrapped his arms around the trait and kissed him before he could speak.

The kiss caught them off guard, Roman didn't know what he was doing but did it anyway, Patton didn't protest and he kissed back, cupping Romans cheeks. The kiss held all the apologies and I love yous that they could say and by the end of it they were breathless.

"Please be mine again?" Roman begged, his eyes welling with tears. Patton was already crying, a few incoherent noises came from his mouth as he nodded.

They kissed again and they had never felt more in love.

The noises of birds chirping outside woke Roman up, he stretched his arms and rubbed his eyes, what a brilliant morning as always.

He felt a movement next to him and he looked over to see Virgil cuddling the blanket closer to him, Roman smiled and rolled onto his side, tugging Virgil close. Virgil was half awake and his eyes slid open into slits.

He groaned and closed his eyes again, making Roman chuckle.

Roman himself was still tired, he went to kiss his lips but missed and kissed the bottom lip but mostly his chin, he chuckled groggily, drunk off of sleep.

"Go 'way" Virgil muttered, pushing his face away with his hand. Roman grinned and kissed the back of it, making Virgil recoil and hide completely under the blanket.

"So cute"

"Call me that again and you won't look like Thomas anymore"

"What does that even mean?" Roman laughed, sitting up.

"Everything - it means everything"

Logan and Patton were arguing, this does not happen often as Patton is usually the one to stop the fight, but Logan was being to strict on the rules of when Thomas could have fun and Patton tried to reason with him but it escalated.

Patton stared at Logan as he yelled, throwing his arms all over the place to try and emphasis his point.

Patton didn't know why he did it, if it was the heat of the moment, or Logan just looked exceptionally good under the lighting, he just...kissed him.

He held his face in his hands and kissed him softly, shutting him up instantly. Logan froze, with both of his arms in the air. To say he was confused was an understatement but he relaxed into the kiss, wrapping his arms around Pattons neck.

"Promise to never fight again?" Patton whispered with sad eyes once he pulled back.


Roman was about to go into the imagination when Logan stopped him, "Wait.." he mumbled. Roman turned to face his boyfriend and Logan hesitated before he leaned up and pecked his lips sheepishly.

"You can go now-"

Logan yelped as Roman pressed him against the wall and kissed him, he couldn't get enough and Roman knew he would be gone for a few days, he wanted their kiss to last for the few days he would be away.

Logan knew this could last for hours, he softly pushed him away with a smile. "I will see you soon" Roman smiled and pecked his soft lips one more time.

"I'll miss you"

"As will I"


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