Can't Sleep - Virgil x Logan

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Virgil usually stayed up late, it became a regular thing for him, his body got used to it so now he can only fall asleep at three. Usually the other traits go to bed around midnight, maybe a bit before, maybe a bit after, it depends.

Patton would always check on him and Virgil would always reassure the Dad-like trait he was fine and would sleep soon.

It was usually silent, he doesn't like complete silence so he would always have one earphone in, but he...heard something.

Taking out his earphone and pausing his music he strained his hearing, he heard it again, a slight shuffle outside of his room. His eyes widened and he thought the worst, he's going to get murdered, he's going to get-

Wait, how can a murderer get into Thomas's mind? 

He sighed, realising it must be Patton. He trudged to the door and opened it, slightly blinded by the hallway light Patton always insists should be left on.

"Dad I'm...Logan?" He said, confused. Logan looked up and licked his lips, "Greetings, Virgil" he nodded slightly.

"Uh...why are you here?"

"I...I need..." he stopped himself mid-sentence. This was so stupid.  

"What?" Virgil urged.

"I cannot sleep, I did some research and I found if you sleep with someone who you feel safe around it will increase your chances of falling asleep"

(Does it? Idk, I pulled it out of nowhere cus I needed a reason)

Virgil leaned on his doorframe, "and you feel safe around me? Not Roman? I don't even feel safe around me"

Logan shrugged his shoulders loosely, "Please, I have a tone of work and I need sleep" Virgil sighed and let Logan take him to his room as Logan couldn't sleep in Virgils.

Logan laid down on his bed and Virgil laid next to him awkwardly, he forgot his phone but it was nearing three am anyway.

Logan sighed and closed his eyes, a few minutes later he huffed.

"This is so infuriating! Why is this not working?" Virgil and cut Logan off from talking by wrapping an arm around him loosely. He kept his eyes closed so he wouldn't see Logans reaction.

"I...I heard somewhere cuddling helps" Virgil muttered, feeling the need to explain himself.

"Ah, I see" Logan nodded and shuffled closer to Virgil awkwardly, a blush coating his cheeks.

Virgil sighed out and actually fell asleep before Logan did, Logan in attempts to try and fall asleep faster cuddled right into Virgils chest, hugging the dark persona tightly.

Much to Logans relief he fell asleep.

And surprisingly it wasn't awkward in the morning. 

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