Scrabble - No Ship

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A whore, a whore, a whore, a whore, a whore!


How many of you have seen Treasure Planet? I flipping love that movie! Gosh, it's old though haha

I had it on a VCR - I feel old, man

Thomas and his sides were all playing scrabble, they knew playing with Logan would inevitably end with Logan winning but before hand Patton told them all, apart from Logan, they would try and make the word infinitesimal on the board. They all agreed.

During the game Patton and Thomas would let out a giggle every time they added a letter to the word, Logan ignored it thinking it was a strategy to distract him.

Finally, Logan had won.

"Thank you - I had fun" Logan wore a small smile.

"Hey, Logan" Patton giggled, covering his mouth. "Look" Virgil finished, pointing to the word on the board. Logan read it and no one apart from Roman expected him to scream.

Covering his ears, Roman watched Logan scream an ear piercing scream that made the others scramble back.

After he screamed he stood up, with a calm expression he left the room.

It only took a few seconds before the sides and Thomas burst into laughter.

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