Attention 3 - Logan & Roman & Virgil & Patton

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They're in their late teens

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They're in their late teens


Life at home for the four brothers hadn't gotten any better, over the last few years it's gotten much worse. With Romans only escape being alcohol, Patton pushing away his feelings, Virgil falling into depression, and Logan distancing himself from the world the four brothers didn't know what to do.

They didn't have parents to guide help them.

Their Dad is the worst, though. He lost his job a few months back now their Mum works for most of the day, coming back at late hours. She hadn't been doing anything wrong, she's never cheated but their Dad doesn't fail to accuse her. He also started a drug and alcohol addiction, thankfully Roman wasn't a drunk like him, he knew when to stop before he got too drunk but that didn't mean he should drink at his age.

One day during school holidays Roman was strolling around the dark, empty street around midnight, slowly sipping his beer as he drowned out his problems, Logan was in the library studying. He stopped alcohol awhile go and moved on to overworking - it wasn't any better, but any chance he could he would study and study and study, forgetting the world around him.

Patton was at the park, sitting on a swing and pinching his skin any time he wanted to cry. He'd inflict pain on himself whenever he felt any emotion, he wanted to be strong for his brothers, he wanted to look after them, not the other way round, not like it used to be, he feels more helpful when he's comforting instead of crying.

Because the brothers were out Virgil was home alone with only one other person - his Dad. And he was drunk.

"Virgil, you fucking...fucking idiot" he slurred, dragging him down the stairs by his arm painfully. Virgil tried to get away but he was too strong.

"You-" he hiccuped, "you and I are goin' on a trip" he burped, his breath was disgusting. "Find-find me a chick to- to fuck" he opened the door and swayed to his car, Virgil paralysed in fear.

"Y-your Mother, ugly bitch...too t-tired for sex" he shoved Virgil into the car, getting into the other side. Virgil realised driving while drunk never ends well, his paralysation vanished and he tried to escape but the door wouldn't open.

"Child lock" his father grinned, starting the car and gulping the rest of his drink.

"LET ME GO!" Virgil screamed, "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!" He cried, bashing the window. His father gripped his hair and punched his head, making his ear ring and eyes to go blurry. His father drove down the drive, crashing into the bins. "Y-Yeah!" He roared, honking loudly while speeding down the road.

The ringing faded and Virgils eyes focused on the world around him, he gripped his chair, watching the car speed up and up.

He needs to move to the back seat. Now.

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