Look At Me - Roman x Patton

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Roman stared at the back of Pattons head with a soft smile, he had an arm wrapped around his stomach, drawing patterns gently onto his sensitive skin, he would let out a cute giggle every now and again, which fuelled Roman to keep going.

"Patton?" He mumbled, his nose brushing against his hair.


"Look at me"

Patton paused, titling his head so it was more hidden into his pillow. "But I look bad" he mumbled back, Roman chuckled softly, moving his arm from his stomach to his arm where he caressed it gently.

"You look beautiful, Cookie"

Patton blushed and he couldn't help but smile, "Please look at me?" Roman asked again, a hint of pleading in his voice.

Patton slowly rolled onto his stomach, most of his face was still hidden by the pillow, Roman chuckled and brushed his hair back to see more of his face.

"You look adorable" Roman complimented, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

Patton blushed again and hid his face once more, "I don't..." he trailed off, Roman shuffled closer and Patton smiled into the pillow.

"Look at meeeeee" Roman whined, "I want to see your beautiful face" He added. Pattons heart warmed and he titled his head so half of it could be seen, Roman gently placed his finger under his chin and tilted his head up to press a kiss against his smooth lips.

Patton giggled and shuffled closer to Roman, wrapping the blanket around him more and tugging it over the bottom of his face so only his eyes were visible.

They stared at Roman and Roman thought he couldn't get more adorable, Roman moved his arms under his blanket and wrapped them around him tightly, moving his face inches away from Pattons, he kissed the blanket that was covering his nose and Patton giggled again.

"You're so cute"

"...stoooooop" Patton whined softly but he didn't mind, Roman tugged the blanket away from his face and kissed it all over, making Patton burst into adorable laughter.

"I love you" Roman mumbled against his skin, Patton grinned and hugged him.

"I love you, too!"


I haven't moved from my position I woke up in since seven (4 hours ago) cus I will be sick everywhere


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