Rain - Thomas x Logan

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Thomas shivered, bringing his soaked through jacket closer to his body, it didn't do much to bring him warmth but it was better than nothing

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Thomas shivered, bringing his soaked through jacket closer to his body, it didn't do much to bring him warmth but it was better than nothing.

He sneezed, glancing down the street in hope the bus was nearing but alas, it was no where to be seen. He sighed and leaned back on the bench, sniffling.

Of course he had to be stuck out in the pouring rain, late at night with no phone waiting for the bus to show up.

He sighed and tilted his head down, closing his tired eyes for a few seconds.

Suddenly he stopped feeling water splash on him, instead he heard the noise of raindrops falling onto an umbrella.

Titling his head up he saw Logan sitting next to him, holding the umbrella over his head, he was reading a book on his phone so Thomas didn't disturb him, only shuffled closer an inch.

They both sat in comfortable silence, the shelter gave Thomas time to wipe away the drops from his face and actually he able to see without water getting into his eyes.

He sniffled, rubbing his nose after. He was going to catch a bad cold...

Sighing he rested his head on Logans shoulder and closed his eyes, he didn't mean to fall asleep but when he awoke a few hours later to the noise of a bus he sat up quickly.

His head hit the umbrella but Logan wasn't there, he realised he was resting his head on a pillow which was now quite wet. Picking up the pillow and umbrella he hoped onto the bus, shook the umbrella off, handed the driver money and told him where to go.

Sitting down on a comfy seat he smiled in content, the warmth from the bus stopping his shivering.

He made a mental note to thank Logan later.

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