Just Dance - Roman x Virgil

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"I hate you" Virgil muttered, Roman only grinned and threw him a remote which he caught.

"You don't hate me, nothing can hate" He gestured to himself, "this"

"Riiiight" Virgil dragged out in a bored tone. Roman set up the game and scrolled through the different songs, Patton and Logan watched from the couch behind them.

"Wait, wait, wait, wait" Virgil said, Roman hummed in a reply. "What do we get if we win this?"

Roman paused, "Dignity? Praise? Respect?"

"Ew, I don't want that, I want to win something" Roman sighed dramatically and looked around the room, "whoever wins gets three wishes" he smiled.

"Not to burst your bubble but genies don't exist"

Roman sighed, "I mean you can request three things - anything, and it shall be granted!"

Virgil thought about it and slowly nodded, they shook hands and Roman chose the first song.

"Start off easy" he mumbled, Virgil rolled his eyes, why is he doing this. As they were following the dance moves Virgil hit his hand against Romans and both of them yelped in pain.

"SABOTAGE!" Roman yelled, quickly getting back into the rhythm. "What? It affected me to, dumbass!"

"Language!" Patton called, grinning.

"It is English, Patton" Logan replied, Patton giggled and kissed his cheek.

In the end Roman won by one hundred points, he threw his hands up in the air and yelled out in happiness.

Virgil rolled his eyes, "it's out of three, you premature celebrator" Virgil muttered, he chose the next song while Roman was distracted.

"HEY! this is unfair!"

"it's called life, Princey" Virgil smirked. By "cheating" Virgil won that round, Roman got into a mood and crossed his arms, glaring at him.

"That was cheating!" Virgil snorted and shook his head. They let Patton choose the last song, it wasn't hard but it wasn't exactly easy either.

In one part they moved closer to each other, Virgil was counting down the minutes until this was over and he could hide away in his room for the rest of the evening while Roman was having the time of his life.

Roman accidentally stuck out his foot and Virgil tripped over it, he let out a little yelp but two arms wrapped around him, hoisting him back up. Virgil fell onto Roman slightly, gripping his arms before he realised what was happening and blushed scarlet, pushing himself away.

They lost the final points but Roman still won by a few. Smiling he placed the controller on the table while Virgil huffed and picked up his own.

"What are your three wishes?" Roman asked, Virgil gave him a confused look.

"But you won, I only won one and I cheated" he shrugged, shrinking into his jacket.

Roman shrugged, still smiling. "I am a noble Prince, it was my fault you tripped, I will give my wishes to you" Virgil stared at him for a few seconds to see he was serious.

"Wow, you can be nice"

"I am nice! I am nice all the time!" he defended.

"uh huh" Virgil rolled his eyes and thought what his wishes could be. "first wish" he stared, looking at them all.

"When I'm wearing earphones don't talk to me, and if you do don't expect a reply"

"But you do that anyway?" Logan said, "No, apart from you the others insist that I reply, it gets annoying" he gave Roman and Patton looks and they looked away.

"Second wish...if I want to hide out in my room all day, don't disturb me"


"Ah, my wishes" Virgil cut Patton off, he frowned. "But I get worried" he whined. Virgil sighed, "I'll shoot you a text" Patton beamed and agreed with his wish.

"And...my final wish" he looked at Roman and fidgeted with his hands, "I...want you"

"Oh no" Roman sighed.

"Too..." Virgil took a few steps forward, "kiss me" Roman froze, what he said being completely unexpected.

"Kiss you?" Roman asked for clarification, Patton covered his mouth and silently screamed.

Virgil nodded, a blush creeping up his cheeks. "I-I know you don't like me like that but I want to know what it's like to kiss you" Virgil sighed and scrunched up his face.

"Is that weird?"

Roman didn't reply, he wrapped his arms around Virgils waist, spun him around and leaned down. Virgil held his arms and Roman kissed him softly, it lasted half a minute before Roman pulled him back up, wearing a grin.

Virgil breathlessly stared at him, his pupils dilated. Roman smirked, "I hope that was as good as you expected?" All Virgil could do was nod and Roman smirk widened, he looked at Logan and Patton.

"Don't disturb us" he winked and vanished with Virgil.

Patton glanced at Logan who covered his face, "what does he mean?" Patton asked innocently.

"Sleep - they're going to cuddle!" He spluttered out. Patton smiled and cooed.

"That's so cute"

"Yes - that is one way to put it..."

Thanks for the request!

I already know someone will request to see what happened between Virgil and Roman

All I can say is no

Have fun imagining it though 😉 😈

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