Affectionate - Roman x Virgil & Patton x Logan

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Look at me updating instead of getting ready to go somewhere I don't want to go 🙃

Look at me updating instead of getting ready to go somewhere I don't want to go 🙃

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Virgil sat in his room upset, he and Roman have been in a relationship for months now, but recently Roman has become less affectionate. Virgil tried to ignore it as he didn't want to be annoying or clingy but he couldn't get it off his mind.

Roman was really affectionate before but...he's completely stopped. Virgil gained the courage to finally ask him why.

The dark trait stuffed his hands in his pockets and shrunk as far as he could into his jacket as he stared at the door he just knocked on.

"Virgil! What a pleasant surprise" Roman smiled, widening the door. Virgil shook his head, stumbling on his words.

"Ro-...Roman I...I was wondering" he paused, chewing his lip. Roman titled his head, watching him try and word up a coherent sentence. "I'm sorry if I sound...stupid, or clingy but I was wondering why...why you aren't as...affectionate? Recently, I mean..." he let his eyes rest on the floor, hair falling over his face.

Roman gently took his hand, "I'm sorry, Dearest, I didn't realise...I've been so busy, but I have nothing to do today!" He titled Virgils head up softly, smiling at him warmly.

"Why don't we cuddle? We can watch whatever movies you want all long as they're Disney"

Virgil agreed and, very embarrassed but, let Roman carry him to the living room. Roman placed him down, put a blanket over his body, played a movie and cuddled up to his side.

Virgil hesitantly wrapped his arms around the royal trait, resting his head on his shoulder.

"I love you, Dearest, I'm deeply sorry for lacking in affection" Virgil chuckled quietly, "it's fine, dork....m'love you too"

During the cuddles Patton waltzed into the room, eyes instantly landing on the adorable couple and a squeak leaving his mouth.

Seeing them cuddle gave him the courage he didn't know he needed. Smiling, he left the two in search for Logan.

"Logan!" Patton called upon seeing the logical trait, Logic spun around, adjusting his glasses.

"Greetings, Patton. What can I do for you?"

Patton walked right up to him, smiling. "I wanted to confess my feelings I have for you" he said, surprised he blurted that without an ounce of hesitation.

"It's okay if you don't return them" he smiled warmly, "I just wanted you to know"

Logan opened and closed his mouth like a fish, his eyes saucers. "Patton I...I think I return your feelings...I do not know how this works-"

Patton shut him up when he took an infinitesimal step closer and cupped his face with his hands. "If you like me" he started, leaning in ever so closer.

"You'd want to kiss me back" he whispered, pressing his lips against Logans.

Logan let his arms move on their own as they coiled around Pattons waist, tightly holding the trait as he kissed back, letting his eyes fall shut.

"I like you" Logan breathed once they pulled back.

Patton grinned, kissing his nose. "I like you too"

The newly coupled pair sat on the same couch as Roman and Virgil, briefly explaining they are now together before everyone went silent to watch the movie playing on the screen.

Thanks for the request!

Sorry I can't add a bonus scene, I don't have the time!

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Sorry I can't add a bonus scene, I don't have the time!

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