Kilogram - Logan x Patton

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GUESS WHAT BITCHES? YEP, CUS OF STRONG WINDS MY SCHOOL IS CLOSED FOR THE DAY! (I left school at, like, 12:00 but I had a nap lolol) also that gif is adorable

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GUESS WHAT BITCHES? YEP, CUS OF STRONG WINDS MY SCHOOL IS CLOSED FOR THE DAY! (I left school at, like, 12:00 but I had a nap lolol) also that gif is adorable




"Which is heavier" Roman started, suspecting he would answer correctly because he was...logic.

"A kilogram of steal, or a kilogram of feathers?"

Logan furrowed his eyebrow,s staring at him like it was obvious. "Steal - steal is heavier than feathers"

Romans eyes widened a bit, a smirk breaking out on his face. Virgil snorted, shaking his head.

"Wrong" Roman mocked.

"What?" Logan replied, confused.

"You're wrong, dumbass" Virgil spoke up, gaining a disapproving look from Patton.

"Don't worry, kiddo! I got it wrong too!" Patton giggled, instantly going back to his happy, bubbly self.

"But I was correct - steal is heavier than feathers" he insisted, closing his book and sitting up. Again, Roman shook his head, denying his answer.

"Not in this sense" Roman said which only made Logan annoyed.

"What sense?"

"They both weigh the same!" Virgil finally groaned, slumping back into his chair more.

Logan looked really confused but also annoyed, Patton was still giggling to himself as Roman tried to explain that they both weighed the same amount.

"A kilogram of steal"


"And a kilogram of feathers"

Logan paused, it only took a few seconds for realisation to dawn on his face. He stared at nothing and the others laughed, knowing he finally understood.

"He looks so forlorn I almost feel bad" Virgil spoke up, Patton grinned.

"C'mon kiddo! Don't look so weighed down" Patton giggled, Logan sighed, clasping a hand over his face.

"The mistake was so small it makes it all the more better" Roman chuckled, wiping tears from his eyes as he finally calmed down.

"Small?" Virgil rose his eyebrow, "don't you mean infinitesimal?"

This set them off again and Logan left the room, "Aw! Logan!" Patton giggled, jumping up and following after the smart trait. Roman nearly fell of the couch before he composed himself and sighed out happily, glancing at Virgil...

They burst into laughter once more.

"Logy?" Patton called, skipping into his room. He saw the trait putting away his book, a blank expression on his face. Patton knew things like this affected him - the best option would be to leave him alone but Patton didn't like doing that.

"You okay?" He smiled, Logan sighed and turned to face him. "I am fine - albeit a little annoyed...I shall live"

Patton pressed a kiss to his cheek, "You are still the smartest!"

"Do not worry - I never doubted that" Logan smiled, Patton giggled and they shared a kiss.

"See ya, Logy!" Patton called as he happily walked out of the room, a bounce in his step.

"Goodbye, Love"

Thanks for the request! Lol sorry if it was shit 😂

Thanks for the request! Lol sorry if it was shit 😂

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Also you guys can request things if you want

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