Chibi - Roman x Patton x Logan x Virgil x Thomas

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I may have cried last night from how niCE YOU ALL ARE

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I may have cried last night from how niCE YOU ALL ARE

Also Virgil is the chibi

Roman peeked around a corner to see Virgil walking down the hallway, distracted by his phone. Grinning he waited for the right moment before he bent down and swooped his little Virgil into his arms. Virgil yelped, nearly dropping his phone.

"Princey!" He yelled, glaring at the royal trait. Roman only laughed and hugged him close, kissing his cheek. "I'm sorry, Dearest, you are just too cute"

"I'm not cute" Virgil muttered, wriggling around in Romans grip. Smiling happily Roman walked to the living room without letting Virgil go, making him groan and whine, hitting Romans arm pathetically.

"Roman" Patton scolded, taking Virgil from his arms. "What have I told you about picking up Virgil" he said while subconsciously cuddling said trait to his chest. Virgil rolled his eyes, feeling the irony in that situation.

Roman smirked, crossing his arms. "I apologise deeply, I promise it shall never happen again, dear chibi Virgil!" He smiled, pressing a kiss on Virgils and Pattons cheek.

Patton grinned, still holding an annoyed but slightly amused Virgil in his arms.

Roman plonked down in between Logan and Thomas, glancing at the tv which was paused on a Disney movie.

"We should all cuddle!" Thomas suggested with a smile, Patton instantly agreed and placed Virgil gently on the couch, running off to find blankets. Virgil groaned, slumping back and crossing his arms. "Oh stop complaining, pouty face" Roman smirked, earning a glare from Virgil.

"Shh..." he muttered.

Patton ran back in and carefully placed the blankets over everyone, making sure they were all covered before situating himself between Logan and Virgil.

Virgil frowned and Roman noticed, picking the frowning trait up Roman placed him in his lap, cuddling him close. Virgil smiled again but didn't let anyone see it, Thomas rested on Romans side while Logan and Patton shuffled close, cuddling together.

They all soon fell asleep, the faint noise of the Disney movie easing them into a happy dream world.

Thanks for the request! Hope it was good!

Last time of me saying this as it is probably really annoying now lol thank you for all the nice comments on the last one shot, I was feeling really self conscious and thought people would hate me but no one did...and I can't stop smiling, lol

Love you all!! 💕💕☺️☺️🌈🌈

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