Bad Guy - No Ship

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Trigger warning: insanity

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Everybody knows Patton to be happy, bubbly, childlike and protective, right? He's the heart, the emotions, he wants to make sure everyone is okay. were wrong.

That's just his facade.

In front of Thomas and the camera you could think of him as innocent but when he's not being recorded or with Thomas he turns into the devil...

Not literally, but that's the best way to describe him.

After a video the sides filmed for the day they all sunk down, taking a step away from Patton instantly. He grinned evilly at them, a glint of mischief in his eye.

"You scared?" He teased, making the lights flicker, Roman took a protective stance in front of Virgil and Logan but it didn't work, Patton appeared behind them and pushed them where they landed on the hard ground.

Roman spun around and Patton held a sword up to his neck, jabbing it into his soft skin but not enough to pierce it.

"Imagine how much blood would pour from your neck..." he grinned, Roman gulped but didn't move, Patton slowly glided the sword to his cheek where he cut down slowly, leaving a red trail of blood.

Smirking, Patton vanished and Roman hissed, grabbing his cheek in pain.

"I hate him" Virgil muttered, standing up as Logan helped Roman with his cut.

"We have to tell Thomas" Logan spoke, looking serious. "How? He won't believe us" Virgil replied, crossing his arms.

"We will have to do something to make him believe"

Later that day the sides waited for Patton, knowing he came out of his room at this time to taunt and annoy the sides.

In a blink he appeared at the door, an impossibly large grin spread across his face, Virgil flinched slightly.

"Hello, Patton" Logan greeted, sounding as casual as he could. Patton stepped over to them, his brain whirling with ideas on how to put them through hell.

"I like the scar, where'd you get it?" Patton grinned at Roman who forced himself not to glare back, knowing it would aggravate the evil man.

"I think you could all have a scar" he spoke in a sing song voice, before they could say or do anything a knife slashed against Logans face, he cried in pain and fell to the floor.


"I wouldn't" Patton stopped Virgil, holding a knife at him and smirking. Logan looked up at Roman and nodded, he slowly stood up and Patton kept him in the corner of his eye while also nearing Virgil who sunk into the couch.

He was about to cut Virgils face when Roman disappeared and reappeared with Thomas.

He was a bit disoriented but his eyes focused on Patton who was just about to cut Virgil.

His eyes widened, "Patton?!" He said, completely confused and a little scared. Morality spun around and rolled his eyes, twirling his sword around in his fingers.

"Oh, goody" Patton spoke, sarcasm oozing from each word. "The host has arrived"

"What...were you about to cut him?" He finally saw Logan who stood up and moved his hand from his face, a deep cut across his cheek, deeper than Romans.

"Did he do that?" Thomas asked, Logan nodded and Thomas eyes narrowed.

"Patton? How could you-!"

"I'm bored of being the nice one! Haven't you always wondered what it's like to hurt someone?" Patton giggled like he was insane, "it's very fun, here, try it" Patton held the knife towards him but he shook his head, still glaring.

Roman suddenly had an idea, he moved Thomas over to Virgil and Logan. "Patton?" Roman glared, "now now Roman, no glaring" Roman only glared harder, "you piece of shit" Roman spat, knowing Patton hated swears as much as he hated glares.

His whole demeanour changed and they all felt his evilness, "You think you're so strong? Well, catch me, then we'll see if you're truly as epic as you say you are" Roman spun around and dashed down the hallway, Patton angrily chased after him.

"What is he doing" Logan hissed, they all chased after them, turning down hallway after hallway.

Roman finally saw the room he was looking for and fastened his pace, he opened the door with his outstretched arm, kicked it open and teleported away, Patton ran in and Roman closed the door after him, locking it as well.

They heard banging on the door but Roman knew he couldn't escape.

"He can teleport! He'll be furious, Roman!" Virgil yelled, Roman shook his head and pointed at the door.

"Nightmare room, no side can escape unless through the door" Roman panted, leaning on the wall behind him.

They heard very faint screams and they all appeared in the real world, Thomas slowly losing his emotions, not knowing right from wrong, compassion, all that stuff.

They noticed and Thomas sat on the couch, staring at the ground with a blank expression.

"We have to wait for a new Morality" Roman stated, sitting next to his host.

"Which will not take long" Logan added, also sitting down.

"Will he be nice?" Virgil asked, slightly worried. "Do not worry - it only happens once in...a hundred years that a side turns evil" Logan reassured him.

They all prayed the new Morality will be better than the old...


Thanks for the request! Sorry if it turned out different from what you expected, haha!

Thanks for the request! Sorry if it turned out different from what you expected, haha!

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