New Friend - Logan x Thomas

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Logan straightened his tie in the mirror and sighed, another night, another stupid party his parents organised. A knock sounded at his bedroom door but he didn't reply.


Logan bit back a groan and walked to the door, opening it to see his personal maid who he doesn't want but she won't leave him alone. "Your parents have called for your presence" she said and bowed her head.

"Thank you, you can go now" he said but she didn't move, Logan closed the door and made sure he looked pristine before leaving his room in a hurry, but his maid somehow caught up with him.

He stood at the top of the stairs and looked out at the people below, he didn't care that his parents invited guests around, what he did care about was how he was invited every time - he could be doing homework right now.

He walked down the grand staircase and, quite rudely, ignored the guests who tried to start conversation, they were all older and he didn't want to bother with them - besides, he wants them to dislike him.

It means less conversations.

He found his parents and his Mum fussed with his hair which was already perfect, "My friends daughter is here" she smiled, pointing to a sweet looking girl across the room who was talking to some adults.

I'm gay - "that is nice, Mother, can I go back to my room now?" His Mother sighed and walked him over to the girl who smiled when she saw him.

"Good luck" his Mother whispered, Logan watched her go and turned to the girl.

"Hey, I'm-"

"I apologies, but I must leave, it was nice speaking with you" Logan nodded and left, the girl stuttered for a few seconds, frowning. Logan knew girls only wanted him for his parents wealth, which was fine, he was used to it.

He walked to the stairs when someone bumped into him. "Oh, I'm sorry!" They exclaimed.

Logan turned around and gasped quietly, a boy the same height as him with purple hair and an adorable shy smile on his lips stared at him sheepishly. "No, um, it was my fault" Logan stammered, the boy shook his head.

"I bumped into you, I should look where I'm going...heh.." the boy held his hand out, "I'm Thomas"

Logan shook it, "Logan" he replied, this is the first time he actually communicated with a guest here, usually he says he has to leave or outright ignores them.

Thomas looked behind him to see the maid, Logan noticed her and sighed. "Come with me" Logan said and jogged up the stairs with Thomas following, the maid tried to keep up but the two boys were fast, they made it to an completely empty part of the house.

"I have never seen you before" Logan commented, opening the balcony doors and stepping out, the cold night air hitting his skin softly, making a shiver run down his spin.

Thomas walked out next to him, smiling as the snow crunched under his feet.

"Well I wasn't invited" Thomas chuckled, leaning on the frost covered railing around the balcony.

"Really?" Logan asked. Thomas nodded and turned around to face him.

"I needed food" he shrugged, showing the food under his jacket. "I may or may not be homeless" he added, glancing up at the sky.

"You trust me with this information so soon?"

"Is there a reason not too?"

"...I suppose not"

Thomas smiled and let out a sigh, his breath visible as it floated into the cold air.

"What is it like?"


"Being" Logan clarified, also leaning on the railing.

Thomas smiled, facing him. "It has its moments, apart from sleeping on benches and stealing's pretty awesome, you don't worry about family, or friends, or paying for anything, really" Thomas averted his eyes to the view of the forest at the back of Logans house, the trees covered in snow.

"It sounds nice" Logan commented, Thomas smiled.

"Join me?"

Logan turned to him, eyebrow risen. "Pardon?"

"Join me - you seem to hate it here" Logan glanced behind him, it wasn't a lie, he did hate living here, with parents who basically forgot he existed most of the time, a creepy maid, guests coming around every night...

Logan turned to Thomas again, smiling.

"I would love to"

And they were gone.

I honestly have no idea haha

I do like it, though 😊😋

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