Dragon Witch - Patton x Virgil

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I wanna write another book :/

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I wanna write another book :/

I had fun on the Fake Happiness book

What do you guys think?

Also AU

Also also point out spelling mistakes cuz I'm lazy, sue me

Humans lived in fear of dragon witches, they would sometimes fly over land and swoop down to take anyone in their sight, usually knights are informed as quickly as possible but they don't always come in time...

People are advised to stay near to towns and villages as every town and village as their own knights, everyone knows the further they stray the higher the chance you will die.

That's why it was rare to find a human out in the woods or away from civilisation.

Now, the entire world works this way but we will only be writing about three specific knights named Roman, Logan and Virgil.

They all lived in the same house together, protecting their village from dragon witches. Their village was one that didn't usually get attacked, which was why there was only three of them, they didn't worry too much but were always on high alert.

Virgil was strolling around the outskirts of the village, sweeping the area to see if he could find anything suspicious.

He whistled softly, following the song of the birds until he heard a whimper...

His head titled in that direction and his whistles died down. He slowly drew his sword and stalked through the woods and overgrowth, trying to be as quiet as possible.

The whimpers became clearer and clearer, Virgil for sure thought it was some sort of hurt animal until he pushed away the bushes and saw a dragon witch leaning on the tree.

It was hurt, Virgil could tell, this shall be easier to kill. Virgil came into view and the dragon witch looked up, eyes wide.

This was...unusual, usually dragon witches come to villages in their full form, it is when they're most strongest, this dragon witch was in its half human half dragon form.

It was mostly human with light blue wings protruding from its back and the same colour horns that had white on the tips on his forehead. His wide blue piercing eyes stared in fear at Virgil who held his sword tightly and stood in a fighting stance.

He backed into the tree, his blue scaly mermaid tail-like skin glistened under the sun and Virgil did think he looked very beautiful.

It was sad, dragon witches were magnificent looking creatures, especially in their full form, unfortunately they had to be evil.

"Pl-please" the dragon witch begged, which made Virgil stop. A dragon witch...begging? He had never heard something so rare.

"Why are you here?" Virgil asked, still holding his sword.

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