Halloween - Roman x Patton & Logan x Virgil

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This is my first Halloween on here....it brings a tear to my eye 😢

Anywaaaaayyy enjoy! This will sadly be the only OneShot of the day - I'm sorry!

Today was Halloween and Thomas including his sides couldn't be more excited.

"What are you all going as?" Thomas asked with a grin.

"Mines a surprise!" Roman declared, holding his arms up as he sunk down. "Don't be to long!" Thomas called after him.

It seemed like everyone else wanted their costume to be a surprise so they all went to their rooms as Thomas got ready in his own. Nearly two hours later everyone was ready, Thomas waited in the living room looking like Jack Skellington.

Patton was first to appear. "Aw, Pat!" Thomas cooed, he looked adorable. He grinned, looking down at his puppy consume. "I'm glad you like it, Kiddo!" He exclaimed, all bubbly and excited.

Next Roman appeared wearing a dragon witch costume. "I would say I look absolutely beautiful but the dragon witch is far from it" Roman smirked, eyes alight.

"Who's next?" Thomas smiled, turning to where Logan and Virgil stood. A few seconds later Logan was there wearing in a costume no one knew.

He noticed their confused looks, "you know who this is, right?" Everyone shook their head. "Nosferatu?" He asked, they shared a glance and shook their heads again. Logan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Finally Virgil appeared, Patton flinched back. "AHH! ZOMBIE!" He screeched, hiding behind Roman who held his sword at the zombie, eyes narrowed.

"It is Virgil, halfwit" he commented, Virgil sent him a playful glare. "Oh, c'mom...that was funny" he chuckled. Patton looked at him again and squealed. "You're right! Aw, you look so....scary, kiddo!" Patton exclaimed, standing in front of him. 

"You look...cute, Dad" he smiled. Patton grinned, jumping in happiness.

Finally they all left the house, it was dark out and they watched a few kids run down the street, laughing happily.

"I can't wait for the candy!" Roman grinned, gushing at the idea. "I can't wait to give out candy!" Patton exclaimed, showing the bag full of candy.

"We are supposed to take candy-"

"But I wanna give it out" Patton frowned, Roman wrapped an arm around his shoulders. "Don't worry, you can give out as much as you wish!" Patton grinned once again and they all set off down the street, Logan and Virgil walking behind.

"This must be the unsafest day of the year" Logan commented, glancing at all the Halloween decorations at peoples houses.

Virgil shrugged, "you get candy, so that makes up for it"

"Hmm, yes if my kid was kidnapped candy would make up for them" he replied sarcastically. Virgil shoved him lightly, "shut up, nerd"

They went up to as many houses as they could, most of the time Virgil would pull a trick after the others got candy and Patton handing out his own.

They stayed out for so long it came to a point where most houses were dark and no one was out in the street.

"We should head back" Thomas commented, not seeing anyone anywhere.

"Agreed" Logan replied. Eventually Patton and Roman agreed and they all happily made conversation on the long walk back.

"Who's that?" Virgil mumbled to Logan, Logan looked over in the direction and saw a clown standing by a tree. It was creepy.

"Do not worry, it is only someone playing a trick" he reassured him, one by one the others noticed and fell into silence, they realised they would have to walk by him. Roman being the protective prince brought out his sword and stood on the side closest to him, keeping his eyes narrowed on the clown.

It didn't do anything but stare, so they easily headed by with no problem.

"Do you have any candy left?" Roman asked Patton as soon as they reached home. He looked into his bag and smiled, "nope! I gave it all out! I hope they liked it" he smiled, looking off into the distance.

Suddenly his bag felt heavier, he glanced in to see Roman put some of his own candy in his bag.

"Are you sure?" Patton asked, meeting his eye. Roman nodded, kissing his lips sweetly. "Of course, you didn't have to give out candy but you did, you are so pure" Roman whispered the end, Patton blushed and they shared another kiss.

"Are you guys coming in or what?" Virgil yelled from inside.

Roman held Pattons hand and they walked in, closing the door behind them.

Lol sorry if it was shit

I might be on here later today but I won't be posting, probably just replying to comments or messing around and such, anyway if I'm not here later I'll be back tomorrow! Probably after I cut my hair, or maybe in the morning, I don't know yet, lol

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I might be on here later today but I won't be posting, probably just replying to comments or messing around and such, anyway if I'm not here later I'll be back tomorrow! Probably after I cut my hair, or maybe in the morning, I don't know yet, lol

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