Near Death - Logan x Patton

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Trigger warning: blood, bad injury, death

Trigger warning: blood, bad injury, death

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Patton had hurt himself. Badly.

He laid on the hard floor, breathing heavily and keeping his eyes tightly shut. The pain only got worse as he felt blood pour out of him like a fountain - pooling around him.

"L-Logan!" He yelled as loudly as he could, clutching his stomach where the deep gash resided.

"Logan!" He yelled again.

"What is it?" Logans eyes widened upon seeing Patton - his Patton - laying in a pool of his own blood.

"Patton!" He exclaimed, ducking down to his level as fast as he could, the amount of blood sent him into a frenzy, ripping his shirt off and holding it down over the gash, desperately trying to stop the blood but it wasn't working.

He watched Pattons skin grow paler and paler by the second. "Patton,, what happened? oh gosh, that does not matter!" He sobbed, tears streaming down his face - he was terrified, what could he do? All rational thoughts flew out of his mind the instant he saw Patton.

Patton slowly lifted his arm, caressing the side of Logans face softly. "Hey, don't cry" he whispered, concerned - he had never seen Logan in such a mess.

Anyone else would be panicking about the wound when all Patton cared about was Logan.

"I am not the main priority right now, Patton!" He sobbed, dialling for Roman. He briefly explained Patton was hurt and he needed the healing flower from the imagination - it looked similar to the flower from tangled.

They had healing flowers incase one side did get seriously hurt - they couldn't go to hospital so it was the next best thing - in fact it was better.

"Please- Patton, Love, stay with me, promise me, do not fall asleep" Logan instructed, looking at Patton who was already looking at him with a smile.

"Why are you smiling?!"

"I love you...that's why" He whispered, "when I'm with you...I smile, because I never thought I would love someone as much as I love you" He explained, making Logan sob harder.

"Stop Speaking like that - it-it sounds like-"

"Logan, I might not survive-"

"No- you will-!"

"And I want you know...that I love you so much" Patton chuckled weakly, he sniffed, smiling up at Logan who was in hysterics, urging Roman on in his mind.

"Please, Love, stop..."

"Take good care of the others for me, okay?"

Logan rested his forehead against Pattons, "you will be fine - I promise you you will live, I refuse to let you die"

Patton was finally close enough to kiss him shortly, "I love you" he breathed, eyes closing.

Suddenly Roman and Virgil ran in, Virgil paused his movements, hands covering his wide open mouth.

Logan never moved his eyes from Patton as Roman put the flowers in a cup, filling it with water and kneeling on the other side of Patton. He tilted his head up and let the water with a few petals from the flower fall through his parted lips.

One thing about the flower - it can't bring back people from the dead.

The wound on his stomach instantly healed but Patton didn't wake up.

And he never did.

....I-I have some candy

Lolol, I got the idea from this

Who wants a nice, cutesy, alternative ending? I think I do!

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Who wants a nice, cutesy, alternative ending? I think I do!

Alternative Ending

He tilted his head up and let the water with a few petals from the flower fall through his parted lips. The wound on his stomach healed and Patton soon gulped in a large breath of air, coughing and spluttering straight after.

"Patton?" Logan whispered, a few tears still streaking down onto Pattons chest.

Pattons head lolled to the side but he was still breathing.

"He's exhausted" Roman spoke, brushing Pattons hair back. "He needs rest" Logan nodded and scooped him up, walking down the hall. Virgil had covered his face and stood outside of the room, barely able to stand the blood.

Roman clicked his fingers and it was gone, the blood on Logan and Patton also vanishing.

Bringing the anxious side into his arms they hugged tightly, Roman kissing his head.

"It'll be okay"

Meanwhile Logan had laid Patton down on his bed, clicking his fingers Patton was wearing his onesie. Bringing the blanket up to the bubbly traits chin he kissed his head and stayed up for a few hours - waiting for Patton to finally open his eyes.

Eventually Logan laid down and accidentally fell asleep, cuddled up to his loves side.

Only an hour later Patton stirred, mumbling incoherently. He rubbed his eyes and recollected memories from events happening only a few hours ago.

He smiled lazily when he saw Logan resting next to him, dry tears staining his cheeks. Patton kissed each one, rolling onto his side he brought the logical trait closer, humming softly while pressing his lips against his head. He stayed in that position, eventually letting himself fall asleep once more.

Hope you enjoyed! What ending did you like more?

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