Book - Logan x Patton

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Patton excitedly galloped down the hallway towards Logan's room, a book clasped behind his back. Yesterday while Logan was busy helping out Roman he went through his entire book collection (which took him two hours) to see if he had the book Patton had bought for him.

When the bubbly trait found out he didn't he was over the moon.

Halting his movements outside of the door, he knocked and walked straight in, grinning at Logan who was laying on his bed, back towards the door.

"Hello, Patton" he mumbled, sitting up slowly and rubbing his tired eyes.

"How'd you know it was me?" He asked, sitting on the bed and smiling at him warmly.

"You are the only one who knocks and does not wait for a response" He replied, sitting up further and watching Patton as he processed what Logan had told him.

"Oh yeah..." he laughed, his lighting up his face. "Sorry! Anyway, I have a gift for you!" Patton said, still holding it behind his back. Logan rose his eyebrow, "what is it?"

Patton bit his lip, "guess!"

Sighing, Logan thought about it for only a few seconds before he replied. "A book?"

Patton gasped, eyes wide in actual astonishment. "You're so smart! Can you read minds?!"

"No, Patton" Logan stated, but he did find Patton's amazement very pure. Even more so because he believed Logan could read minds for a few seconds.

" doesn't matter, here!" Patton handed him the book and he took it gently, Patton found his carefulness around books to be adorable. Logan grabbed his glasses and read the title of the book, a faint smile easily visible.

Patton watched happily as Logan read the back, flicking it to the front once more to see the cover again. He glided his fingers down the hardcover, looking back up at Patton with a wider smile.

"Thank you, Patton, this looks good" He nodded, opening it to the first page.

"It's not as long as your other books...but I hope it's good enough!" Patton beamed, pressing a kiss to his forehead.

"Promise to not stay up too late?" Logan nodded, not really taking in what his boyfriend had requested.

"Love you!" Patton cooed, kissing him once more.

"I hold strong romantic feelings towards you, too, Patton" Logan replied, flicking to the second page, instantly drawn in. Giggling Patton left, leaving Logan to read in peace.

Later that night Patton woke up to a dull thud in the room next to his, curious and a little worried he put on glasses, slippers, and left to Logan's room (the one next to his own).

He slowly and silently opened the door - being very skilled at that - and peeked in, the bedside table that held a lamp lit up the room, showing off the book he gave Logan. It was on the floor, from further inspection Patton realized Logan had fallen asleep while reading said book. 

"Oh, Logy" he sighed fondly, picking up the book. He put in the bookmark on the page it was open on, noticing he had nearly finished the book already.

He must've really enjoyed it, Patton thought which made his mood blossom.

He flicked off the light and tucked the sleeping trait into his bed, taking off his glasses and kissing his head.

"Goodnight, Logy Bear" he whispered, turning and leaving the room, shutting the door silently behind him.

I might make a new book with the sides...y'know how I made Fake Happiness and won't be about it, but something different. I don't know yet, it could be a possibility!

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