Saved - No Ship

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^ good song, I recommend

^ good song, I recommend

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10/10 cuteness 👌🏻

Thomas and his sides were all in the car on a busy highway, Patton was making puns, Logan was reading his book - well, trying to, anyway. Roman had his head poked out of the window, the wind blowing his luscious hair back - he loved it. Virgil was sitting in the boot seat, earphones in and eyes watching the passing scenery.

After Patton made another perfect pun he let his eyes scan the highway, everything was fine until....

"STOP!" He suddenly screeched, everyone flinched and Thomas slammed on the breaks, cars behind him suddenly stopping also - most of them honking their horns.

"What's wrong?!" Thomas asked frantically, Patton didn't reply and hastily took off his seatbelt, jumping out of the car he ran recklessly across the highway. The others yelled at him to get back but he didn't listen, cars stopped, some swerved to the side, Patton even dodged past some cars that would've plowed through him.

He stopped on one lane and bent down, picking up the small puppy which were too scared to move. They were shaking and clung onto Patton, whining loudly.

Patton cooed and twisted his head around, watching people from cars shake their head, as if saying the life of a small puppy wasn't worth risking his own.

He began to go back until the dog whined louder, bitting his lip he looked over his shoulder to see another puppy - but a truck was coming straight for it. The horns only got more longer and repetitive. He looked between the puppy and the car.

"Oh...I have to save them" he whispered, turning to the puppy he full on sprinted across the highway, reaching down he grabbed the puppy - the truck skimmed passed him and he panted, reaching the other side. He looked at the two puppies and smiled softly, petting their heads as they brushed their noses together.

"Patton!" He heard the faint call from Thomas, he looked up at his family as they stared worriedly, the line behind them getting longer. Patton looked down the highway and waited until he had a moment before he ran.

(Wouldn't I be a dick if I killed Patton and the puppies right now? Lol - I have the power....😈)

Cars honked, people yelled but he only moved his legs faster until he reached the car, he jumped in and nearly instantly everyone scolded him until they saw the puppies and slowly came to a stop.

"Please, never do that again" Thomas begged, hugging his side tightly to himself while not hurting the whining puppies. "Thomas, you have to go" Logan advised, watching as someone was about to get out of their car.

Thomas nodded and drove down the highway, Patton leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, panting heavily, his heart beating a mile a minute.

"What were you thinking? risked your life which could permanently damage Thomas for two puppies?!" Logan cried, in total disbelief. Patton ignored him, huddling the puppies close.

"Patton, as much as I do love could've died" Roman frowned, Virgil was still on the verge of a panic attack, he didn't want to say anything but he definitely didn't agree with what Patton did.

"I'm sorry but...I couldn't let them die" Patton frowned, scratching behind their ears. Roman sighed, glancing at Logan who shook his head.

"Can I hold one?" He requested, nodding Patton handed him the puppo and Roman cuddled the cute dog to his chest, ruffling his fur softly.

"Can we keep-"

"No, Patton" Logan cut him off, Pattons shoulders slumped and Roman decided to speak up.

"Logan? Shut up - we are keeping the dogs" he spoke firmly, Logan turned his head and rose his eyebrow.

"We cannot-"

"No, you cannot - Patton is the best with dogs, and we have all the time in the world to care for them!" He grinned, "I say we keep them - Patton didn't risk his life for nothing, I'm very honoured to be your friend, Patton"

Patton turned in his seat, his frown turning into a wide, happy, excited and grateful smile all in one. "Thank you, Roman!"

Logan eventually succumbed to the idea, they went to the vet first to find out they weren't microchipped. So, they kept the puppies, Patton named one and let a very giddy Roman name the other.

The black one white spots was called Doggy while the white one with black spots was called Goofy.

You can guess who named who.

One night when everyone was asleep Logan was sitting comfortably on the couch, reading his book. They had had the dogs for a couple of weeks and they had grown a lot but still small enough to carry with ease.

Logan hadn't grown to them, he didn't want to, he didn't want to give in.

Hearing soft padding across the floor and the noise of the collars he sighed. Goofy and Doggy sat obediently by his feet, waiting for Logan to say it was okay to jump on the couch, it was what everyone else did.

"No" he spoke sternly, glancing at the dogs. They ducked their ears down, their eyes widening adorably.

"No, st-...stay there" he mumbled.

He tried to read but he felt their gazes on him, never leaving. Sighing he motioned them up. Barking happily they jumped up, Logan expected them to lay down next to him but instead they cuddled on his lap, Logan tensed, holding up his arms until they stopped moving.

Once they did he slowly moved his hand down and petted Goofy's head, a smile gracing his features.

The next morning they found Logan cuddled up with the dogs, the smile still stuck on his lips.

My friend didn't like Thomas Sanders, I went onto her phone and secretly followed Thomas on her snapchat - all it took was one of his cute videos with the filter for her to succumb.

She likes him now, lol

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