Weird Questions - Virgil x Logan

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The little giggle

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The little giggle....*sighs fondly* :)))))))

Virgil and Logan were cuddled together in Logan's bed, it being around two am. The two were still asleep for reasons they didn't know nor care about at that point in time, it was silent in the mind, both letting their own thoughts consume them.

That was until Virgil broke the silence with a question he deemed worthy enough.

"Why does a round pizza come in a square box?"

Logan heard what he said, thinking it through and sighing afterward, deciding not to answer.

A few minutes passed and Logan finally decided to try and get some sleep, he rolled onto his side - facing Virgil - and cuddling up to him (the way he learned and practiced) But Virgil wasn't done with his questions.

"Isn't it weird that if you rearrange the word "teacher" you get "cheater"?

Logan barely made a hum, resting his head by Virgil's, his eyes closed, tiredness overtaking him.

Virgil loosely placed an arm around his boyfriend, kissing his forehead with a faint smile.

"Why do sleeping pills have warning labels that state: 'Caution: May Cause Drowsiness?"

Logan rolled his eyes, shrugging his shoulders lightly. He would be honest in saying he has never read the side of a sleeping pill bottle, but he digressed, not really caring that much at half one in the morning.

"Why when people ask you "what three things would you bring with you on a desert island?" no one ever replies, "a boat"?"

Logan sighed, removing himself from Virgil's side and rolling to the other side of the bed, even if it was cold the heat was starting to get annoying, not as annoying as Virgil's ongoing questions, though.

Virgil chuckled but carried on, staring up at the ceiling in thought.

Logan finally thought he finished...he thought too soon.

"If mirrors need light to work, what happens if you put night vision goggles on in the dark and look in a mirror?"

Logan has actually tried this, but he couldn't be bothered to answer, so instead, he shuffled slightly in an irritated manner to try and send Virgil a hint but it didn't work.

One more question, Logan thought, and I will scream.

"Why is it written "May contain traces of peanuts or other kinds of nuts" on peanut butter jars. Are people stupid enough not to realize it themselves?"

That's it.

Logan grabbed his pillow and hit Virgil over the head, he was waiting for that which is why he instantly burst into loud laughter, Logan groaned, grabbing his pillow back and covering his head.

Virgil finally stopped laughing and pulled Logan over to him, hugging him tightly with a soft smile.

"You're so easy to annoy..."

"And you are so easy to kick off my bed" Logan muttered, making Virgil laugh once more.

"Yeah, yeah"

"Do not try me..."

Virgil kissed him and Logan melted. "Love you" Virgil muttered, closing his eyes.

"I love you too"

These questions aren't mine, by the way

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These questions aren't mine, by the way

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