Angry - Logan x Roman

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Trigger warning: brief mentions of killing and blood

Trigger warning: brief mentions of killing and blood

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Logan was searching for Roman, he hadn't seen the royal all day, he wanted to make sure he was okay.

Logan headed to the imagination, he knew of Roman wasn't in the near vicinity he was usually off saving people and such. Searching around he heard some faint grunts in the distance, curious he walked through the gaps between the trees and bushes to see Roman fighting off beasts that came at him from every angle easily, anger clear on his face.

He killed every last monster and dropped his sword, running a hand through his messed up hair. Logan slowly walked along the grass, avoiding the bodies and blood.

"Roman, may I ask if you are alright?"

"You may" came his reply, his voice seeping annoyance but Logan could tell it wasn't aimed at him.

He paused for a few seconds, "uhm...are you alright?"

Roman bent down and picked up his sword, swinging it around slightly. "Would you believe me if I said I was fine?"

"I do not think I would"

Roman sighed, cleaning his sword on the grass and walking over to his boyfriend, wrapping him in a hug. "I'm fine" He mumbled, Logan pressed a kiss to his temple.

"Don't lie to me..."

"I would never" Logan smiled, closing his eyes.

"I love you"

"I love you more"

"I love you most"

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