I'm His - Roman x Patton

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Roman was quickly hurrying through the imagination to get to the destination Patton had sent him a few minutes ago.

He asked where the bubbly trait was prior but he never trusted the imagination - especially if someone like Patton was in there alone, creatures in there are easily manipulative

"Please, um...I need to go" Roman heard the voice of his beloved, he sounded distressed.

Getting out his sword Roman ran in the direction, he crashed through the bushes and spotted his boyfriend pressed against a tree kissing a creature which could shape shift into a human.

Roman marched over and grabbed its collar, ripping it away from Patton and throwing it against the floor. It hissed but recoiled when it realised it was Roman - the only side which would fight any creature in the imagination and win easily.

Roman glared at it and it went running, he put away his sword and turned to Patton who was crying. "P-please don't be mad!" He cried, grabbing Romans arm.

"H-he forced hi-himself on me" Patton whimpered, pleading Roman to not hate him. Roman frowned and hugged him tightly, making a mental note to kill the creature next time he sees it.

"It's okay, Patton, it's okay...I got you, I forgive you, I still love you" Roman soothed, running a hand through his hair calmingly.

Later Roman walked to the imagination, face screwed into one of anger. He was about to murder that stupid crea- wait, he suddenly had an idea.

If the creatures in the imagination are scared of him because he could fight them... if he disguised as Patton and scared the creature, it wouldn't think to harm him again!

Oh, he was so smart.

Grinning, Roman told Patton his idea and Patton happily helped him look exactly like himself, kissing his cheek and telling him to be okay.

Roman walked through the imagination to where he knew the creature to reside, Roman saw the shapeshifter leaning on a tree, looking like the same human as before.

Roman coughed, earning its attention. The shapeshifter grinned upon seeing "Patton", not realising it was Roman.

"Hey, cutie" it spoke in a seductive tone, waltzing right over. Roman watched with a blank expression, hiding his disgust.

It went to place a hand on his shoulder but Roman whipped his arm up, grabbing it in a strong grip. The shapeshifter instantly became annoyed, trying to use its other arm but Roman also grabbed that, kicking its crotch before it would do it to Roman.

The shapeshifter doubled over in pain, changing into the creature it usually is when it's not shapeshifting. Roman drew his sword and the creature hissed evilly, "you're just like that fucking Prince" it spat, glowering.

Roman held the sword close to its face, glowering right back at it. "Well I advise you stay away from me and Roman...I'm his" Roman muttered, the creature hissed once more before scurrying away.

"Did you do it?" Patton asked once Roman arrived, Roman smiled, wrapping an arm around his waist. "I didn't kill it" Roman began, kissing him deeply. "But I scared it, it won't harm you again" Patton nodded, wrapping his arms around Romans neck.

"I told him you're mine...but posing as you...is that alright?" Patton nodded happily, pecking his lips.

"Yep! Because I am yours!"

Roman smiled, nuzzling his nose. "You're mine..." Patton giggled, blushing.

"And you" he tapped his nose, "are mine, to"

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