If Only - Roman x Virgil & Logan x Patton (Roman x Logan)

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Logan held Patton's hand, drawing circles into his palm as he rambled on about his day, he was adorable, Logan would admit. The sparkle in his eye whenever he mentioned puppies or cookies, or Logan, and the way he would smile and giggle cutely.

Logan couldn't help but watch and smile...

On the other side of the couch Roman and Virgil were virtually doing the same thing, but instead of talking about his day Virgil was questioning his - and everyone's - entire existence. Roman found it amusing, he was also playing with Virgil's hair which was pretty memorizing.

Romans eyes wandered and they landed on Patton and Logan, he smiled at Patton, it dropped when he finally focused on Logan. He didn't mean to stare but when Logan looked at him back Roman quickly looked the other direction, blushing. 

Logan stared at him for a few more seconds, letting out a silent sigh.

"Your intelligence never fails to surprise me, Logan! The endless facts that fall from your mouth...it's so...interesting" Roman smiled.

"Thank you - I will admit your creativeness can leave me speechless, how do you come up with such...intriguing ideas?" Logan smiled back.

That was one of the very rare times the two would compliment each other if they were it wouldn't be during a video unlike just then. Even rarer, the compliments warmed their hearts, the two not realizing how much they loved compliments from the other. 

Logan held Patton closer, pressing a kiss to his head. He sighed in content, closing his eyes. Opposite Roman was doing the same to Virgil, cuddling him close and kissing him every so often.

Once Patton and Virgil fell asleep Logan and Roman caught each other's gaze, not realizing until now how much they would prefer to be in the others arms...

Roman walked into the kitchen, pouring himself a glass of water, he turned around and crashed into Logan, somehow none of the water spilled but Logan dropped his book.

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