Denied Sickness - Logan x Patton

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Sorry I haven't updated at all today

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Sorry I haven't updated at all today...I'm terrible, lol, I've just been busy


Patton finally became concerned when Logan sneezed for the fifth time that minute, he wasn't allergic to anything in the room, which further worried him.

"Logan? Sweetie?"

Logan wiped his nose on a tissue, glancing over at Patton. "Yes?"

"You okay?" He asked with a smile, shuffling closer to Logan who nodded in response, sneezing into his tissue once more. Patton leaned over and felt his forehead, frowning when he felt how hot it was.

"Logan, I think you're sick" Patton stated, Logan was quick to dismiss the idea, he "doesn't get sick", apparently. But Patton didn't stop worrying, he dropped it for now but every time he sneezed or cleaned his nose Patton further believed he was sick.

Next thing Patton noticed was Logan's unusual eating habits that have suddenly occurred. He would outright refuse to eat breakfast, ate a small sandwich for lunch, and barely anything for dinner, Patton tried to help him eat but to no avail.

Then, to add to the list was his constant coughing. Some were quiet and short while others could last up to two minutes! Logan barely able to catch his breath, even Patton flinched at some of the throaty ones that sounded painful, he watched Logan rub his throat after those ones, and that was the final straw.

"Logan!" Patton sat next to the logical trait who was a mixture of boiling or freezing.

"You" Patton tapped his chest softly, "Are sick, please stop denying it..." Patton begged him quietly, holding his cold hand and rubbing small circles on the top.

Logan, once again, shook his head stubbornly. Patton knew this would happen so he called over his back up plan.

"What are you doing?" Logan asked as Roman and Virgil slowly walked over to him, Logan suddenly becoming suspicious.

"This is for your own good, Logy" Patton said, Logan didn't have time to respond before he was whisked up from the couch by Roman and Virgil. He struggled and demanded they put him down all the way to his room, both boys finding it quite amusing.

They laid him down on his bed like Patton instructed, obviously he tried to get up but Roman held him down.

"This is madness!" He declared, glaring at the sides, his face fuming. "I am not sick!" He confirmed, coughing into his sleeve straight after.

"Yeah, Yeah" Virgil muttered, rolling his eyes. Logan huffed at him as Patton pulled the covers over the sick trait, kissing his burning up forehead.

"Please get some rest, Logy, you really are sick..."

Logan sighed, grumbling, he fought against Romans hold once more before he became too weak, flopping back down on his bed and covering his entire body with his blanket, muttering curses to himself.

Somehow, with a lot of struggle, they managed to give Logan some medicine (which he detested) and gave him a sleeping pill, Logan chugged water with the pill down, if he cannot leave might as well sleep through this torture.

After while Roman and Virgil left, leaving a very tired Logan and a happy, content Patton, brushing his hand through Logan's hair. "This will help!" Patton assured, kissing his head once more.

"I cannot...lay here while doing nothing! Ugh!" He slammed his head into his pillow, "How I hate being unproductive..."

"It's okay, Logan! You don't have much to do, anyway" Patton smiled, watching as Logan rested his head on the side, eyes falling shut.

"Last time..." he yawned, ""

Patton giggled.

"Whatever you say, Logy Bear..."


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