Gang - No Ship

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Mmmmmm cute

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Mmmmmm cute

I'm going out to dinner with my family. Which means I can't update tonight!.....Brilliaaaaaaaannnnnntttt

"Logan! Logan!" Patton excitedly yelled, running into the quiet room Logan was residing in. Sighing, the logical side put down his book, mentally remembering his page number.

"Guess what!?" Patton grinned, jumping up and down in pure excitement. Logan replied with he did not know, gesturing for him to continue.

"I made some new friends!" He giggled, intrigued Logan rose his eyebrow, "Really?"

Patton nodded, "They even have a cool friendship symbol!" Patton showed him the symbol and Logans eyes widened, his mouth falling open.

"THAT IS A GANG SIGN YOU MORON! YOU JOINED A GANG!" Logan yelled, staring up at Patton, terrified.

Patton bit his lip, contemplating the situation he was in.

"They have nice cookies"

"Patton I swear to god-!"

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Thomas Sanders Sides OneShots 2 Where stories live. Discover now