I Don't Know - No Ship

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Roman looked over at the wall and jumped up, "I got this" he muttered to himself.

A few minutes later he was on the wall in the corner, hanging upside down like a spider.

"This is easy!" He grinned, climbing across the ceiling.

Logan walked into the room and Roman paused, watching the logical side sit on the couch and put on the tv. A grin formed on Romans face and he stood up on the roof, dropping his arm he tapped Logans shoulder.

Confused, Logan looked behind him but his eyes caught sight of the hand, he slowly let his eyes trail up until he saw Roman.

A few seconds of silence passed until

"AHHH!" He screamed, jumping away and sprinting out of the room. Roman laughed and ran after him still on the ceiling.

"Logan!" He called in a sing song voice, Logan kept running, turning down different corridors and such.

They ran passed Patton who looked at Roman running across the ceiling. "Roman!" He gasped, "you could hurt yourself!" Out of worry Patton ran after him.

Virgil heard the yells from all three of them so he left his room, flinching back when Logan ran past, then an upside down Roman, then a normal Patton.

Confused, he shrugged and joined in on the running line.

Logan reached a dead end so he ran to the door and pulled it open. It was the door to the imagination. He ran across the grass, Roman followed but in the imagination it was open land, so when he looked down which would be up for everyone else he was running on air.

"Absolutely spectacular!" He grinned, speeding up.

They all ran past the dragon witch who was picking her long teeth. She watched them go with narrowed eyes, "tasty" she muttered, "kinky" the audience muttered back.

She spread her wings and flew through the air after them, from a distance you would see a scared looking man running from an upside down man who was running across air who was running from a man with a blue shirt running on his arms who was running from a man wearing black clothes and frantically waving arms around who was running from a flying, fat, dragon, witch type thing.

"What is going on" the audience who is reading whispers to themselves.

"Who knows" I reply, plopping popcorn into my mouth.

"Art - that is what is going on" someone amongst the crowd of readers whispers.

Everyone else agreed and carried on watching the running men and fat dragon witch thing.

The End.

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