Kiss Me - Virgil x Logan

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Warning: Detailed make-out scene (?)

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Warning: Detailed make-out scene (?)

After Logan commented on another unrealistic thing in the Disney movie they were watching for the fifth time Virgil gave up. He switched off the movie and moved from his position of leaning on Logan's side to sitting opposite him on his kneels.

"Did I do something wrong?" He questioned, sitting up. Virgil shook his head, "no but.. let's do something else"

"What do you have in mind?"

Virgil thought about it, eyes drifting around until they landed on Logan's face, more specifically, Logan's lips. A smirk settled on Virgils face as he crawled over to Logan, moving between his legs, inching his face closer to his boyfriends.

A light blush settled on Logan's face, his breathing hitching in his throat, Virgil grinned, loving the power he had over Logan.

"Kiss me" Virgil mumbled, his lips brushing against Logans. "K-kiss you?" Virgil nodded and Logan breathed in deeply, doing as he said, his eyes falling shut.

Virgil smiled, gripping his hips and dragging him down the bed until he was laying down, head pressed against pillows. Virgil leaned back, eyes skimming down his body. Logan blushed further, covering his face.

Virgil chuckled, kissing the back of his hands until he moved them, showing off a small smile.

"Cutie..." Virgil whispered, pulling off his glasses and setting them to the side.

Virgil held Logan's hands, resting them above Logan's head as he leaned down and kissed him once more, Logan figuratively melting into it, kissing him back.

During the kiss Virgil licked his lower lip, Logan remembered what this meant and parted his lips, letting Virgil slip his tongue in, tasting his mouth while also teasing his tongue. Logan gasped making Virgil smirk.

He let go of Logan's arms, dragging his cold fingertips up his shirt, making Logic shiver, a breathy moan escaping between the kiss. Virgil hummed, leaning back. Both boys panted heavily, Logan's arms still above his head.

Virgil shook his head, sniggering. "You're such a power bottom..."

Logan blushed bright red.

"Shut up"

Thanks for the request!



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