One Smile - Thomas x Virgil

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Logan appreciation day 🎉

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Logan appreciation day 🎉

Virgil was having a horrible day since the moment he woke up, hours passed and everything he tried to do didn't work. He would listen to music but his headphones suddenly stopped working, he would try and draw but everytime he got frustrated with his work and crumpled it up, throwing the paper into the bin.

This happened another ten times before he slammed his hand on the desk, groaning.

He was in a sour mood.

Patton tried to cheer him up but it didn't work, in fact it made him more grumpy, moody and annoyed.

He left to the kitchen where he drank some cold water.

Thomas appeared in his mind, smiling at Roman and Patton who were sprawled over the couch, Logan was sitting up normally while watching tv.

"Where's Virgil?"

"I wouldn't - he has been in a bad mood all day" Roman replied, finally looking at Thomas. He frowned, "Really? Why didn't anyone tell me?"

"We thought it would be best to let him have space..." Patton trailed off, realising it was a stupid idea.

Thomas walked into the kitchen, Virgil was currently licking up the pieces of glass from the broken mug he just dropped.

"Hey, Virgil" Virgil turned around and narrowed his eyes at the host.

"Don't do it, you better not do it" Virgil warned, binning the glass. Thomas walked closer and...smiled.

Virgil instantly smiled back, sighing afterwards. He loved Thomas too much to not smile back, their stupid smile lightened up his entire dark world.

They hugged and Virgil buried his face into Thomas's neck, "I love you too much" he mumbled.

Thomas grinned, "I love that I love you this much...whenever I see you I forget everything bad in the world and only focus on you" Virgil blushed, hugging him tighter.

"Stop, so cheesy"

Thomas laughed, "I love you, Teddy!"

"Yeah do I"

Thanks for the request!

I got the idea from this

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I got the idea from this

I got the idea from this

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