Barista - Logan x Virgil

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Adorable ™️

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Adorable ™️


It was two am, Logan was mindlessly sweeping the counter when he heard the door open. Glancing up he saw a boy around the same age and height as him walk in with a laptop securely tucked under his arm, his hair was a mess and he had bags under his eyes.

He stumbled to a booth and Logan thought he was drunk but he realised he could be fatigued.

Logan watched the boy brush his hair to the side fruitlessly, logging onto his account he typed away as fast as he could, his eyelids dropping. Logan knew what it felt like to be in that position, feeling nice he whipped up a coffee and set it on his table.

Virgil was too tried to realise the coffee had not been there before and drank some.

Logan smiled a small smile, standing behind the counter again and watching the cute boy work away into the later hours of the morning until he finally left.

This went on for the rest of the week, he would walk in, Logan would give him coffee, he would work and leave at five.

It was Friday and Logan felt himself slacking, mostly because he hadn't gotten much sleep that week.

Someone walked in, Logan was about to ask for his order when he realised it was the boy who usually arrived at two am. As it was midday he didn't look tired, no bags, his hair wasn't as messy but still covered his eyes, and he actually had a smile on his face.

"Greetings" Logan smiled, Virgil nodded, looking at the menu on the wall.

"Forgive me if I am wrong but...aren't you the boy who comes at two am?" Virgil paused, eyes flicking back to Logan.

He blushed lightly, "heh...yeah" he replied bashfully, scratching his neck.

"How do you have so much work?"

"Honestly I only do work for half an hour and use the WiFi for the rest" he shrugged, chuckling lightly. "Ah, understandable"

Now that Virgil wasn't half asleep he finally got to look at the barista, he never realised how hot he actually was...

Not realising he was staring Logan checked his clothes incase something was on them, "Oh...sorry, I'm just staring at your face...that sounds weird - I'm sorry" his face burned as he went to walk away but Logan stopped him.

"No, it is quite alright...I do sometimes stare at you while you do whatever on your laptop" Virgil chuckled, kicking the floor with his foot.

"I know we only met now but...maybe I could...have your number? I apologies if I seem blunt" Logan asked bashfully.

"Sure! I- I wanted to ask you the same thing"

They swapped numbers, both of them smiling shyly. "I'll...make sure to talk to you when I come at two next time"

"I can't wait"

Thanks for the request!

Thanks for the request!

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